With FAIR data principles and requirements for data to be public archiving has become another task for publication. MT transfer functions can be archived at the IRIS SPUD EMTF, which provides a web service to query for available data. Anna Kelbert is the gatekeeper to archive transfer functions and early on was tasked with developing an XML standard for MT transfer functions. That format (EMTFXML) is published here. XML can be complicated to read and format correctly especially of there is not a schema to validate with. Luckily mt_metadata has tools to convert transfer functions to the EMTFXML format. Alternatively you may use Anna Kelbert’s Fortran codes found here.

Below are a few examples of converting transfer functions to the EMTFXML format.


Probably the most common format of MT transfer functions is the EDI format. This was developed in the 1980’s and has been a staple since due to its flexibility and readability. However, the flexibility lends itself to be difficult to read in a standard way. MT-Metadata supports various flavors of EDI files, probably not all so if you find one that doesn’t read in properly raise an issue here with a label transfer function.

from mt_metadata import TF_EDI_RHO_ONLY
from mt_metadata.transfer_functions import TF

Read in the Transfer Function File

First, read in the transfer function file. Here we are reading it into the generic TF object. The TF object contains similar metadata to time series data with the addition of a few things like how the transfer function was created.

The file we are reading is bare-bones and only contains resistivity and phase data for the off-diagonal components. Therefore, we are going to need to add a lot of metadata to make it compliant with EMTFXML.

You should also note a feature and sometimes fustrating feature, is that if the transfer function has not elevation data the function is called. This only works for North America and mostly the US. Until we figure out a better way you will see an error message. Don’t fret, this just means that the elevation could not be found and it is set to 0. You can ignore this by setting the keyword

tf_object = TF(TF_EDI_RHO_ONLY)
2023-09-27T15:23:34.213438-0700 | ERROR | | get_nm_elev | Input values (latitude=-34.646, longitude=137.006) could not be found on US National Map.
tf_object = TF(TF_EDI_RHO_ONLY)

At this point we can do one of two things,

  1. Fill in metadata into the TF object then write (maybe more intuitive if you have the time series metadata)

  2. Convert to an EMTFXML object and fill in metadata directly (maybe faster if you are just filling in metadata from scratch)

Fill in Metadata

Before you start filling out fields, you should probably know what fields are there and what they mean. Lets have a look at the fields

xml_object = tf_object.to_emtfxml()

Sections of an EMTFXML

Here are the key sections in an EMTFXML file, in order. Note the names are put into lower case for easier typing, in the XML file these will be Capital Case. product_id -> ProductId

for section in xml_object.element_keys:

Getting help with attributes of each section

       | **Metadata Key**                             | **Description**                               | **Example**    |
       | **create_time**                              | date and time the file was created            | 2020-02-08T12:2|
       |                                              |                                               | 3:40.324600+00:|
       | Required: True                               |                                               | 00             |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: date time                             |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: 1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00           |                                               |                |
       | **creating_application**                     | name of the application that created the XML  | EMTF File      |
       |                                              | file                                          | Conversion     |
       | Required: True                               |                                               | Utilities 4.0  |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: free form                             |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: mt_metadata                         |                                               |                |
       | ****                             | author name                                   | person name    |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Required: True                               |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: free form                             |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: None                                |                                               |                |
       | ****                            | email of the contact person                   | |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Required: True                               |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: email                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: None                                |                                               |                |
       | ****                              | organization name                             | mt gurus       |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Required: True                               |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: free form                             |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: None                                |                                               |                |
       | **creator.org_url**                          | URL of organization                           | https://www.mt_|
       |                                              |                                               |      |
       | Required: False                              |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: url                                   |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: None                                |                                               |                |
       | ****                           | author name                                   | person name    |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Required: True                               |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: free form                             |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: None                                |                                               |                |
       | ****                          | email of the contact person                   | |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Required: True                               |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: email                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: None                                |                                               |                |
       | ****                            | organization name                             | mt gurus       |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Required: True                               |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: free form                             |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: None                                |                                               |                |
       | **submitter.org_url**                        | URL of organization                           | https://www.mt_|
       |                                              |                                               |      |
       | Required: False                              |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Units: None                                  |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Type: string                                 |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Style: url                                   |                                               |                |
       |                                              |                                               |                |
       | Default: None                                |                                               |                |

Alternatively using print

If you just want to know what the element looks like in XML, you can use the print statement and to_xml method

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

1. Description

Description is a few words about what is included in the file. For MT transfer functions this will almost always be Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions, which is the default value.

'Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions'

2. ProductID

The Product ID provides a unique identifier to the transfer function, whilst including the survey, project, and station name. The format should be {project}.{station_id}.{year} for example data collected by a group at the USGS for station MT01 in 2020 would be USGS.MT01.2020.

'Spencer Gulf.s08.2020'
xml_object.product_id = "USGS.MT01.2020"

3. SubType

SubType provides a secondary keyword for the what the file includes. This will almost always be MT_TF, which is the default value

xml_object.sub_type = "MT_TF"

4. Notes

Notes allows for any free text notes about the file.

xml_object.notes = "This is an example note"

5. Tags

Tags provides tags for what type of transfer functions are included in the file. Options are

  • impedance

  • tipper

Note that tags are automatically updated when write is called depending on the type of data the EMTFXML object contains.


6. ExternalUrl

ExternalUrl describes a URL that is not contained within the IRIS archive, or a URL that the data is related to that is not within the IRIS archive. For example if the time series is archived in a different place a link to that URL would be placed here.

It contains attributes

  • description: A description of where and what the URL points to

  • url: the actual URL link

    "external_url": {
        "description": null,
        "url": null
xml_object.external_url.description = "This is a fake link to non existing time series data."
xml_object.external_url.url = ""

7. Primary Data

Primary data describes an image of the transfer function that is archived along side the transfer function. It has a single attribute

  • filename: file name of the image file

    • should be a .png file for easier storage and viewing

    • should be named {station_id}.png

xml_object.primary_data.filename = "s08.png"

8. Attachment

Describes any attachments archived with the XML file. For example it is good practice to archive the original file along with the XML. In this example it would be the original EDI file. Attachment has two attributes

  • description: describing what is attached

  • filename: file name attached

    "attachment": {
        "description": null,
        "filename": null
xml_object.attachment.description = "Original EDI file to produce XML"
xml_object.attachment.filename = TF_EDI_RHO_ONLY.as_posix()

9. Provenance

Provenance describes where the file came from, who created it and who submitted it.

Note: create_time is updated to the time and date the file is written and the creating_application is filled in on write.

    "provenance": {
        "create_time": "2020-12-15T00:00:00+00:00",
        "creating_application": "DataManager",
        "": null,
        "": null,
        "": null,
        "": null,
        "": "DataManager",
        "": null
[20]: = "me" = "" = "my_organization" = "me" = "" = "my_organization"

11. Site

Site provides information about the site. There are a few tricky attributes.

  • data_quality_notes: these are meant to provide users with a qualitative first pass at the quality of the transfer function and which periods are useful. This is basically a judgement call and there is no standard way to rate the data, yet.

    • data_quality_notes.rating:

      • 0: Not rated

      • 1: bad

      • 2: not terrible

      • 3: mediocre

      • 4: good

      • 5: great

  • name: Should be the closest geographic location to the station. If you are collecting a site near Manhattan in New York City a good name might be Manhattan, NYC

  • orientation: is meant to convey the orientation of the transfer function, not how the data were collected. So if you collected the data in an orthogonal coordinate system but was oriented to geomagnetic North, then you processed the data and rotated to geographic North, then the angle_to_geographic_north would be 0.

    • orientation.layout: [ ‘orthogonal’ | ‘sitelayout’ ]

OrderedDict([('acquired_by', 'UofAdel,Scripps,GA,GSSA,AuScope'),
             ('data_quality_notes.rating', 0),
             ('id', 's08'),
             ('location.datum', 'WGS84'),
             ('location.elevation', 0.0),
             ('location.latitude', -34.646),
             ('location.longitude', 137.006),
             ('orientation.layout', 'orthogonal'),
             ('project', 'Spencer Gulf'),
             ('run_list', 's08a'),
             ('start', '2020-10-11T00:00:00+00:00'),
             ('survey', 'Spencer Gulf'),
             ('year_collected', 2020)])
[24]:, required=False)
OrderedDict([('', None),
             ('', '1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'),
             ('comments.value', None),
             ('good_from_period', None),
             ('good_to_period', None),
             ('rating', 0)])
[25]: = 1E-3 # high frequency / short period = 1E3    # low frequency / long period

12. FieldNotes

FieldNotes is meant to provide information on how the data were collected in the field including what instruments were used, what were the orientations, any notes that maybe useful. This can include multiple runs if necessary.

13. ProcessingInfo

Provides information on how the transfer function was estimated.

xml_object.processing_info.to_dict(single=True, required=False)
OrderedDict([('process_date', '2020-12-15'),
             ('processed_by', None),
             ('', None),
             ('processing_software.last_mod', '1980-01-01'),
             ('', None),
             ('processing_tag', 's08a'),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', '1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', '1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', 0.0),
             ('', None),
             ('', 0.0),
             ('', None),
             ('', 0.0),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', None),
             ('', 0.0),
             ('', 'orthogonal'),
             ('', None),
             ('', ''),
             ('', '1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'),
             ('', None),
             ('', 1980),
             ('remote_ref.type', None),
             ('sign_convention', None)])

14. StatisticalEstimates

Provides boilerplate information on statistical estimates related to the transfer function in the XML file

    "statistical_estimates": {
        "estimates_list": [
                "estimate": {
                    "description": "Variance",
                    "external_url": "",
                    "intention": "error estimate",
                    "name": "VAR",
                    "tag": "variance",
                    "type": "real"

15. DataTypes

Provides boilerplate information on the transfer function data types in the XML file

    "data_types": {
        "data_types_list": [
                "data_type": {
                    "description": "MT impedance",
                    "external_url": "",
                    "input": "H",
                    "intention": "primary data type",
                    "name": "Z",
                    "output": "E",
                    "tag": "impedance",
                    "type": "complex",
                    "units": "[mV/km]/[nT]"

16. SiteLayout

Provides concise information on how the station was setup and which channels were recorded as “input” and “output” channels.

    "site_layout": {
        "input_channels": [
                "magnetic": {
                    "name": "Hx",
                    "orientation": 0.0,
                    "x": 0.0,
                    "y": 0.0,
                    "z": 0.0
                "magnetic": {
                    "name": "Hy",
                    "orientation": 90.0,
                    "x": 0.0,
                    "y": 0.0,
                    "z": 0.0
        "output_channels": [
                "electric": {
                    "name": "Ex",
                    "orientation": 0.0,
                    "x": -5.0,
                    "x2": 5.0,
                    "y": 0.0,
                    "y2": 0.0,
                    "z": 0.0,
                    "z2": 0.0
                "electric": {
                    "name": "Ey",
                    "orientation": 90.0,
                    "x": 0.0,
                    "x2": 0.0,
                    "y": -5.0,
                    "y2": 5.0,
                    "z": 0.0,
                    "z2": 0.0

17. Data

Provides the actual data as blocks per period. Filled in automatically with the the data attributes of




Impedance values


Impedance variance


Impedance inverse signal covariance


Impedance residual covariance


Tipper values


Tipper variance


Tipper inverse signal covariance


Tipper residual covariance

These can also be found in xml_object._transfer_function as an xarray.DataSet.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Data count="28">
    <Period value="7.939999015440e-03" units="secs">
        <Z type="complex" size="2 2" units="[mV/km]/[nT]">
            <value name="Zxx" output="Ex" input="Hx">1.000000e+32 1.000000e+32</value>
            <value name="Zxy" output="Ex" input="Hy">1.081125e+01 7.785428e+00</value>
            <value name="Zyx" output="Ey" input="Hx">-1.022391e+01 -7.619160e+00</value>
            <value name="Zyy" output="Ey" input="Hy">1.000000e+32 1.000000e+32</value>
        <Z.var type="real" size="2 2">
            <value name="Zxx" output="Ex" input="Hx">1.000000e+32</value>
            <value name="Zxy" output="Ex" input="Hy">5.741604e-05</value>
            <value name="Zyx" output="Ey" input="Hx">1.050861e-04</value>
            <value name="Zyy" output="Ey" input="Hy">1.000000e+32</value>

18. PeriodRange

Defines the period range. Automatically filled from the data.

    "period_range": {
        "max": 2730.8332372990308,
        "min": 0.007939999015440123

Write EMTFXML File

Once you are happy with the attributes you can write the file out. Provide write with a full path name to the file you want to write to.


Archive at IRIS

Now you have some XML files and you’d like to submit them to IRIS. Currently the way to do that is to email Anna. More details to come.

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