A Standard for Exchangeable Magnetotelluric Metadata


Working Group for Data Handling and Software - PASSCAL Magnetotelluric Program


Version 0.0.16 – July 2020 [1]


Researchers using magnetotelluric (MT) methods lack a standardized format for storing time series data and metadata. Commercially available MT instruments produce data in formats that range from proprietary binary to ASCII, whereas recent datasets from the U.S. MT community have utilized institutional formats or heavily adapted formats like miniSEED. In many cases, the available metadata for MT time series are incomplete and loosely standardized; and overall, these datasets are not “user friendly”. This lack of a standardized resource impedes the exchange and broader use of these data beyond a small community of specialists.

The IRIS PASSCAL MT facility maintains a pool of MT instruments that are freely available to U.S. Principal Investigators (PIs). Datasets collected with these instruments are subject to data sharing requirements, and an IRIS working group advises the development of sustainable data formats and workflows for this facility. Following in the spirit of the standard created for MT transfer function datasets, this document outlines a new metadata standard for level 0,1,and 2 MT time series data (Data Levels). Following community approval of these standards, MTH5 (an HDF5 MT specific format) will be developed later in 2020.

The Python 3 module written for these standards and MTH5 is being developed at https://github.com/kujaku11/MTarchive/tree/tables.

General Structure

The metadata for a full MT dataset are structured to cover details from single channel time series to a full survey. For simplicity, each of the different scales of an MT survey and measurements have been categorized starting from largest to smallest (Figure 1). These categories are: Survey, Station, Run, DataLogger, Electric Channel, Magnetic Channel, and Auxiliary Channel. Each category is described in subsequent sections. Required keywords are labeled as and suggested keywords are labeled as . A user should use as much of the suggested metadata as possible for a full description of the data.


Schematic of a MT time series file structure with appropriate metadata. The top level is the Survey that contains general information about who, what, when, where, and how the data were collected. Underneath Survey are the Station and Filter. Filter contains information about different filters that need to be applied to the raw data to get appropriate units and calibrated measurements. Underneath Station are Run, which contain data that were collected at a single sampling rate with common start and end time at a single station. Finally, Channel describes each channel of data collected and can be an Auxiliary, Electric, or Magnetic. Metadata is attributed based on the type of data collected in the channel.

Metadata Keyword Format

The metadata key names should be self-explanatory and are structured as follows:

  • {category}.{name}, or can be nested

  • {category1}.{categroy2}.{name} where:
    • category refers to a metadata category or level that has common parameters, such as location, which will have a latitude, longitude, and elevation \longrightarrow location.latitude, location.longitude, and location.elevation. These can be nested, for example, station.location.latitude

    • name is a descriptive name, where words should be separated by an underscore. Note that only whole words should be used and abbreviations should be avoided, e.g. data_quality.

A ‘.’ represents the separator between different categories. The metadata can be stored in many different forms. Common forms are XML or JSON formats. See examples below for various ways to represent the metadata.

Formatting Standards

Specific and required formatting standards for location, time and date, and angles are defined below and should be adhered to.

Time and Date Format

All time and dates are given as an ISO formatted date-time String in the UTC time zone. The ISO Date Time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ms+00:00, where the UTC time zone is represented by +00:00. UTC can also be denoted by Z at the end of the date-time string YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.msZ. Note that Z can also represent Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) but is an acceptable representation of UTC time. If the data requires a different time zone, this can be accommodated but it is recommended that UTC be used whenever possible to avoid confusion of local time and local daylight savings. Milliseconds can be accurate to 9 decimal places. ISO dates are formatted YYYY-MM-DD. Hours are given as a 24 hour number or military time, e.g. 4:00 PM is 16:00.


All latitude and longitude locations are given in decimal degrees in the well known datum specified at the Survey level. NOTE: The entire survey should use only one datum that is specified at the Survey level.

  • All latitude values must be <|90| and all longitude values must be <|180|.

  • Elevation and other distance values are given in meters.

  • Datum should be one of the well known datums, WGS84 is preferred, but others are acceptable.


All angles of orientation are given in decimal degrees. Orientation of channels should be given in a geographic or a geomagnetic reference frame where the right-hand coordinates are assumed to be North = 0, East = 90, and vertical is positive downward (Figure 2). The coordinate reference frame is given at the station level station.orientation.reference_frame. Two angles to describe the orientation of a sensor is given by channel.measurement_azimuth and channel.measurement_tilt. In a geographic or geomagnetic reference frame, the azimuth refers to the horizontal angle relative to north positive clockwise, and the tilt refers to the vertical angle with respect to the horizontal plane. In this reference frame, a tilt angle of 90 points downward, 0 is parallel with the surface, and -90 points upwards.

Archived data should remain in measurement coordinates. Any transformation of coordinates for derived products can store the transformation angles at the channel level in channel.transformed_azimuth and channel.transformed_tilt, the transformed reference frame can then be recorded in station.orientation.transformed_reference_frame.


Diagram showing a right-handed geographic coordinate system. The azimuth is measured positive clockwise along the horizontal axis and tilt is measured from the vertical axis with positive down = 0, positive up = 180, and horizontal = 90.


Acceptable units are only those from the International System of Units (SI). Only long names in all lower case are acceptable. Table 1 summarizes common acceptable units.

Acceptable Units

Measurement Type

Unit Name


decimal degrees



Electric Field



decimal degrees

Magnetic Field












String Formats

Each metadata keyword can have a specific string style, such as date and time or alpha-numeric. These are described in Table 2. Note that any list should be comma separated.

:class: tight-table :widths: 30 45 15




Free Form

An unregulated string that can contain {a-z, A-Z, 0-9} and special characters

This is Free Form!

Alpha Numeric

A string that contains no spaces and only characters {a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, /, _}


Controlled Vocabulary

Only certain names or words are allowed. In this case, examples of acceptable values are provided in the documentation as [ option01 | option02 | … ]. The … indicates that other options are possible but have not been defined in the standards yet

reference_frame = geographic


List of entries using a comma separator

Ex, Ey, Bx, By, Bz, T


A number according to the data type; number of decimal places has not been implemented yet

10.0 (float) or 10 (integer)


ISO formatted date YYYY-MM-DD in UTC


Date Time

ISO formatted date time YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss.ms+00:00 in UTC

2020-02-02T1 2:20:45.123456+00:00


A valid email address

person@mt.or g


A full URL that a user can view in a web browser

https:// www.passcal.nmt.edu/

Option Definitions

Electromagnetic Frequency Bands

Generalized electromagnetic period bands. Some overlap, use the closest definition.

Data Type


Frequency Range


radio magnetotellurics



broadband magnetotellurics



long-period magnetotellurics


Channel Components

These are the common channel components. More can be added.

Channel Type



electric field measurement


magnetic field measurement








The convention for many MT setups follows the right-hand-rule ( Figure 2.) with X in the northern direction, Y in the eastern direction, and Z positive down. If the setup has multiple channels in the same direction, they can be labeled with a Number. For instance, if you measure multiple electric fields Ex01, Ey01, Ex02, Ey02.




north direction


east direction


vertical direction

# {0–9}

variable directions

Metadata Definitions