
The goal of MT Metadata is to develop a standard format and tools for archiving magnetotelluric (MT) time series and transfer function data.

Metadata standards for MT have been historically relaxed to user dependent. The goal of this module is to formalize and provide tools for users of MT timeseries and metadata.

The metadata for time series follows the standards proposed by the IRIS-PASSCAL MT Software working group published at Peacock, J.R., Frassetto, A., Kelbert, A., Egbert, G., Smirnov, M., Schultz, A.C., Kappler, K.N., Ronan, T., and Trabant, C., 2021, Metadata Standards for Magnetotelluric Time Series Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ` <>`__.

The metadata for transfer functions follows those proposed by Anna Kelbert EMTF XML: New data interchange format and conversion tools for electromagnetic transfer functions.


This is a work in progress. Feel free to comment by raising an issue on GitHub in the repository mt_metadata