Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Dec 23 21:30:36 2020

    Jared Peacock (

:license: MIT

# =============================================================================
# Imports
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from xml.etree import cElementTree as et

from mt_metadata.base.helpers import write_lines, element_to_string
from mt_metadata.base import get_schema, Base
from .standards import SCHEMA_FN_PATHS
from . import Magnetic, Electric

# =============================================================================
attr_dict = get_schema("site_layout", SCHEMA_FN_PATHS)
# =============================================================================

[docs]class SiteLayout(Base): __doc__ = write_lines(attr_dict) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._input_channels = [] self._output_channels = [] super().__init__(attr_dict=attr_dict, **kwargs) @property def input_channels(self): return self._input_channels @input_channels.setter def input_channels(self, value): self._input_channels = [] if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] for item in value: if isinstance(item, (Magnetic, Electric)): self._input_channels.append(item) elif isinstance(item, dict): ch_type = list(item.keys())[0] if ch_type in ["magnetic"]: ch = Magnetic() elif ch_type in ["electric"]: ch = Electric() else: msg = f"Channel type {ch_type} not supported" self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) ch.from_dict(item) self._input_channels.append(ch) elif isinstance(item, str): if item.startswith("e"): ch = Electric(name=item) elif item.startswith("b") or item.startswith("h"): ch = Magnetic(name=item) else: msg = f"Channel {item} not supported" self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._input_channels.append(ch) @property def input_channel_names(self): return [ for ch in self.input_channels] @property def output_channels(self): return self._output_channels @output_channels.setter def output_channels(self, value): self._output_channels = [] if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] for item in value: if isinstance(item, (Magnetic, Electric)): self._output_channels.append(item) elif isinstance(item, dict): ch_type = list(item.keys())[0] if ch_type in ["magnetic"]: ch = Magnetic() elif ch_type in ["electric"]: ch = Electric() else: msg = f"Channel type {ch_type} not supported" self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) ch.from_dict(item) self._output_channels.append(ch) elif isinstance(item, str): if item.startswith("e"): ch = Electric(name=item) elif item.startswith("b") or item.startswith("h"): ch = Magnetic(name=item) else: msg = "Channel %s not supported" self.logger.error(msg, item) raise ValueError(msg % item) self._output_channels.append(ch) @property def output_channel_names(self): return [ for ch in self.output_channels]
[docs] def read_dict(self, input_dict): """ read site layout into the proper input/output channels :param input_dict: DESCRIPTION :type input_dict: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ # read input channels for ch in ["input_channels", "output_channels"]: ch_list = [] try: c_list = input_dict["site_layout"][ch]["magnetic"] if c_list is None: continue if not isinstance(c_list, list): c_list = [c_list] ch_list += [{"magnetic": ch_dict} for ch_dict in c_list] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass try: c_list = input_dict["site_layout"][ch]["electric"] if c_list is None: continue if not isinstance(c_list, list): c_list = [c_list] ch_list += [{"electric": ch_dict} for ch_dict in c_list] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass setattr(self, ch, ch_list)
[docs] def to_xml(self, string=False, required=True): """ :param string: DESCRIPTION, defaults to False :type string: TYPE, optional :param required: DESCRIPTION, defaults to True :type required: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ root = et.Element(self.__class__.__name__) section = et.SubElement( root, "InputChannels", attrib={"ref": "site", "units": "m"} ) for ch in self.input_channels: section.append(ch.to_xml(required=required)) section = et.SubElement( root, "OutputChannels", attrib={"ref": "site", "units": "m"} ) for ch in self.output_channels: section.append(ch.to_xml(required=required)) if string: return element_to_string(root) return root