Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Dec 23 21:30:36 2020

    Jared Peacock (

:license: MIT

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# Imports
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import numpy as np

from xml.etree import cElementTree as et

from mt_metadata.base.helpers import write_lines, element_to_string
from mt_metadata.base import get_schema, Base
from .standards import SCHEMA_FN_PATHS
from import Declination
from import helpers

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attr_dict = get_schema("location", SCHEMA_FN_PATHS)
attr_dict.add_dict(Declination()._attr_dict, "declination")
# =============================================================================
[docs]class Location(Base): __doc__ = write_lines(attr_dict) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.declination = Declination() super().__init__(attr_dict=attr_dict, **kwargs) @property def latitude(self): return self._latitude @latitude.setter def latitude(self, lat): self._latitude = self._assert_lat_value(lat) @property def longitude(self): return self._longitude @longitude.setter def longitude(self, lon): self._longitude = self._assert_lon_value(lon) @property def elevation(self): return self._elevation @elevation.setter def elevation(self, elev): self._elevation = self._assert_elevation_value(elev) def _assert_lat_value(self, latitude): """ Make sure the latitude value is in decimal degrees, if not change it. And that the latitude is within -90 < lat > 90. :param latitude: latitude in decimal degrees or other format :type latitude: float or string """ if latitude in [None, "None", "none", "unknown"]: self.logger.debug("Latitude is None, setting to 0") return 0.0 try: lat_value = float(latitude) except TypeError: self.logger.debug( "Could not convert {0} setting to 0".format(latitude) ) return 0.0 except ValueError: self.logger.debug("Latitude is a string {0}".format(latitude)) lat_value = self._convert_position_str2float(latitude) if abs(lat_value) >= 90: msg = ( "latitude value = {0} is unacceptable!".format(lat_value) + ". Must be |Latitude| > 90" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return lat_value def _assert_lon_value(self, longitude): """ Make sure the longitude value is in decimal degrees, if not change it. And that the latitude is within -180 < lat > 180. :param latitude: longitude in decimal degrees or other format :type latitude: float or string """ if longitude in [None, "None", "none", "unknown"]: self.logger.debug("Longitude is None, setting to 0") return 0.0 try: lon_value = float(longitude) except TypeError: self.logger.debug( "Could not convert {0} setting to 0".format(longitude) ) return 0.0 except ValueError: self.logger.debug("Longitude is a string {0}".format(longitude)) lon_value = self._convert_position_str2float(longitude) if abs(lon_value) >= 180: msg = ( "longitude value = {0} is unacceptable!".format(lon_value) + ". Must be |longitude| > 180" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return lon_value def _assert_elevation_value(self, elevation): """ make sure elevation is a floating point number :param elevation: elevation as a float or string that can convert :type elevation: float or str """ try: elev_value = float(elevation) except (ValueError, TypeError): msg = "Could not convert {0} to a number setting to 0".format( elevation ) self.logger.debug(msg) elev_value = 0.0 return elev_value def _convert_position_float2str(self, position): """ Convert position float to a string in the format of DD:MM:SS. :param position: decimal degrees of latitude or longitude :type position: float :returns: latitude or longitude in format of """ assert type(position) is float, "Given value is not a float" deg = int(position) sign = 1 if deg < 0: sign = -1 deg = abs(deg) minutes = (abs(position) - deg) * 60.0 # need to round seconds to 4 decimal places otherwise machine precision # keeps the 60 second roll over and the string is incorrect. sec = np.round((minutes - int(minutes)) * 60.0, 4) if sec >= 60.0: minutes += 1 sec = 0 if int(minutes) == 60: deg += 1 minutes = 0 position_str = "{0}:{1:02.0f}:{2:05.2f}".format( sign * int(deg), int(minutes), sec ) self.logger.debug("Converted {0} to {1}".format(position, position_str)) return position_str def _convert_position_str2float(self, position_str): """ Convert a position string in the format of DD:MM:SS to decimal degrees :param position: latitude or longitude om :type position: float :returns: latitude or longitude as a float """ if position_str in [None, "None"]: return None p_list = position_str.split(":") if len(p_list) != 3: msg = "{0} not correct format, should be DD:MM:SS".format( position_str ) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) deg = float(p_list[0]) minutes = self._assert_minutes(float(p_list[1])) sec = self._assert_seconds(float(p_list[2])) # get the sign of the position so that when all are added together the # position is in the correct place sign = 1 if deg < 0: sign = -1 position_value = sign * (abs(deg) + minutes / 60.0 + sec / 3600.0) self.logger.debug( "Converted {0} to {1}".format(position_str, position_value) ) return position_value def _assert_minutes(self, minutes): if not 0 <= minutes < 60.0: msg = ( "minutes should be 0 < > 60, currently {0:.0f}".format(minutes) + " conversion will account for non-uniform" + "timne. Be sure to check accuracy." ) self.logger.warning(msg) return minutes def _assert_seconds(self, seconds): if not 0 <= seconds < 60.0: msg = ( "seconds should be 0 < > 60, currently {0:.0f}".format(seconds) + " conversion will account for non-uniform" + "timne. Be sure to check accuracy." ) self.logger.warning(msg) return seconds
[docs] def read_dict(self, input_dict): """ :param input_dict: DESCRIPTION :type input_dict: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ helpers._read_element(self, input_dict, "location") helpers._read_element(self, input_dict["location"], "declination")
[docs] def to_xml(self, string=False, required=True): """ Overwrite to XML to follow EMTF XML format :param string: DESCRIPTION, defaults to False :type string: TYPE, optional :param required: DESCRIPTION, defaults to True :type required: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.datum is None: self.datum = "WGS84" if self.declination.epoch is None: self.declination.epoch = "1995" root = et.Element( self.__class__.__name__.capitalize(), {"datum": self.datum} ) lat = et.SubElement(root, "Latitude") lat.text = f"{self.latitude:.6f}" lon = et.SubElement(root, "Longitude") lon.text = f"{self.longitude:.6f}" elev = et.SubElement(root, "Elevation", {"units": "meters"}) elev.text = f"{self.elevation:.3f}" dec = et.SubElement( root, "Declination", {"epoch": self.declination.epoch} ) dec.text = f"{self.declination.value:.3f}" if not string: return root else: return element_to_string(root)