Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: EDI
   :synopsis: Deal with EDI files.  The Edi class can read and write an .edi
             file, the 'standard format' of magnetotellurics.  Each section
             of the .edi file is given its own class, so the elements of each
             section are attributes for easy access.

.. moduleauthor:: Jared Peacock <>

Updated 2021 to used mt_metadata type metadata and how spectra are read.


# ==============================================================================
#  Imports
# ==============================================================================
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from loguru import logger

from import (
from mt_metadata.transfer_functions import tf as metadata
from import (

from mt_metadata import __version__

# ==============================================================================
# EDI Class
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[docs]class EDI(object): """ This class is for .edi files, mainly reading and writing. Has been tested on Winglink and Phoenix output .edi's, which are meant to follow the archaic EDI format put forward by SEG. Can read impedance, Tipper and/or spectra data. The Edi class contains a class for each major section of the .edi file. Frequency and components are ordered from highest to lowest frequency. :param fn: full path to .edi file to be read in. *default* is None. If an .edi file is input, it is automatically read in and attributes of Edi are filled :type fn: string or :class:`pathlib.Path` :Change Latitude: :: >>> from import EDI >>> edi_obj = EDI(fn=r"/home/mt/mt01.edi") >>> # change the latitude >>> = 45.7869 >>> new_edi_fn = edi_obj.write() """ def __init__(self, fn=None, **kwargs): self.logger = logger self._fn = None self._edi_lines = None self.Header = Header() self.Info = Information() self.Measurement = DefineMeasurement() self.Data = DataSection() self.z = None self.z_err = None self.t = None self.t_err = None self.frequency = None self.rotation_angle = None self.residual_covariance = None self.signal_inverse_power = None = None self.tf_err = None self._z_labels = [ ["zxxr", "zxxi", "zxx.var"], ["zxyr", "zxyi", "zxy.var"], ["zyxr", "zyxi", "zyx.var"], ["zyyr", "zyyi", "zyy.var"], ] self._t_labels = [ ["txr.exp", "txi.exp", "txvar.exp"], ["tyr.exp", "tyi.exp", "tyvar.exp"], ] self._accepted_keys = [ "freq", "zxxr", "zxxi", "zxyr", "zxyi", "zyxr", "zyxi", "zyyr", "zyyi", "zxx.var", "zxy.var", "zyx.var", "zyy.var", "txr.exp", "txi.exp", "tyr.exp", "tyi.exp", "txvar.exp", "tyvar.exp", "rhoxx", "rhoxy", "rhoyx", "rhoyy", "rhoxx.err", "rhoxy.err", "rhoyx.err", "rhoyy.err", "phsxx", "phsxy", "phsyx", "phsyy", "phsxx.err", "phsxy.err", "phsyx.err", "phsyy.err", "zrot", "rhorot", "trot", ] self._channel_skip_list = [ "", "filter.applied", "time_period.start", "time_period.end", "location.elevation", "location.latitude", "location.longitude", "location.x", "location.y", "location.z", "positive.latitude", "positive.longitude", "positive.elevation", "positive.x", "positive.x2", "positive.y", "positive.y2", "positive.z", "positive.z2", "negative.latitude", "negative.longitude", "negative.elevation", "negative.x", "negative.x2", "negative.y", "negative.y2", "negative.z", "negative.z2", "sample_rate", "data_quality.rating.value", "data_quality.flag", ] self._index_dict = { "zxx": {"ii": 0, "jj": 0, "obj": "z", "err_obj": "z_err"}, "zxy": {"ii": 0, "jj": 1, "obj": "z", "err_obj": "z_err"}, "zyx": {"ii": 1, "jj": 0, "obj": "z", "err_obj": "z_err"}, "zyy": {"ii": 1, "jj": 1, "obj": "z", "err_obj": "z_err"}, "tx": {"ii": 0, "jj": 0, "obj": "t", "err_obj": "t_err"}, "ty": {"ii": 0, "jj": 1, "obj": "t", "err_obj": "t_err"}, "rhoxx": {"ii": 0, "jj": 0, "obj": "z", "err_obj": "z_err"}, "rhoxy": {"ii": 0, "jj": 1, "obj": "z", "err_obj": "z_err"}, "rhoyx": {"ii": 1, "jj": 0, "obj": "z", "err_obj": "z_err"}, "rhoyy": {"ii": 1, "jj": 1, "obj": "z", "err_obj": "z_err"}, } self._data_header_str = ">!****{0}****!\n" self._num_format = " 15.6e" self._block_len = 6 self.fn = fn for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __str__(self): lines = [f"Station: {self.station}", "-" * 50] lines.append(f"\tSurvey: {}") lines.append(f"\tProject: {self.survey_metadata.project}") lines.append( f"\tAcquired by: {}" ) lines.append( f"\tAcquired date: {self.station_metadata.time_period.start_date}" ) lines.append( f"\tLatitude: {self.station_metadata.location.latitude:.3f}" ) lines.append( f"\tLongitude: {self.station_metadata.location.longitude:.3f}" ) lines.append( f"\tElevation: {self.station_metadata.location.elevation:.3f}" ) if self.z is not None: lines.append("\tImpedance: True") else: lines.append("\tImpedance: False") if self.t is not None: lines.append("\tTipper: True") else: lines.append("\tTipper: False") if self.frequency is not None: lines.append(f"\tNumber of periods: {self.frequency.size}") lines.append( f"\t\tPeriod Range: {1./self.frequency.max():.5E} -- {1./self.frequency.min():.5E} s" ) lines.append( f"\t\tFrequency Range {self.frequency.min():.5E} -- {self.frequency.max():.5E} s" ) return "\n".join(lines) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def fn(self): return self._fn @fn.setter def fn(self, fn): if fn is not None: self._fn = Path(fn) if self._fn.exists(): @property def period(self): if self.frequency is not None: return 1.0 / self.frequency return None
[docs] def read(self, fn=None, get_elevation=False): """ Read in an edi file and fill attributes of each section's classes. Including: * Header * Info * Measurement * Data * z, z_err * t, t_err .. note:: Automatically detects if data is in spectra format. All data read in is converted to impedance and Tipper. :param fn: full path to .edi file to be read in *default* is None :type fn: string :Example: :: >>> from import EDI >>> edi_obj = EDI >>>"/home/mt/mt01.edi") """ if fn is not None: self._fn = Path(fn) if self.fn is None: msg = "Must input EDI file to read" self.logger.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) if not self.fn.exists(): msg = f"Cannot find EDI file: {self.fn}" self.logger.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) with open(self.fn, "r") as fid: self._edi_lines = _validate_edi_lines(fid.readlines()) self.Header.read_header(self._edi_lines) self.Info.read_info(self._edi_lines) self.Measurement.read_measurement(self._edi_lines) self.Data.read_data(self._edi_lines) self.Data.match_channels(self.Measurement.channel_ids) self._read_data() if is None: = self.Measurement.reflat self.logger.debug( "Got latitude from reflat for {0}".format(self.Header.dataid) ) if self.Header.lon is None: self.Header.lon = self.Measurement.reflon self.logger.debug( "Got longitude from reflon for {0}".format(self.Header.dataid) ) if self.Header.elev is None: self.Header.elev = self.Measurement.refelev self.logger.debug( "Got elevation from refelev for {0}".format(self.Header.dataid) ) if self.elev in [0, None] and get_elevation: if != 0 and self.lon != 0: self.elev = get_nm_elev(, self.lon)
def _read_data(self): """ Read either impedance or spectra data depending on what the type is in the data section. """ lines = self._edi_lines[self.Data._line_num :] if self.Data.data_type_in == "spectra": self.logger.debug("Converting Spectra to Impedance and Tipper") self.logger.debug( "Check to make sure input channel list is correct if the data looks incorrect" ) if self.Data.nchan == 5: c_list = ["hx", "hy", "hz", "ex", "ey"] elif self.Data.nchan == 4: c_list = ["hx", "hy", "ex", "ey"] elif self.Data.nchan == 6: c_list = ["hx", "hy", "ex", "ey", "rhx", "rhy"] elif self.Data.nchan == 7: c_list = ["hx", "hy", "hz", "ex", "ey", "rhx", "rhy"] self._read_spectra(lines, comp_list=c_list) elif self.Data.data_type_in == "z": self._read_mt(lines) def _read_mt(self, data_lines): """ Read in impedance and tipper data :param data_lines: list of data lines from the edi file :type data_lines: list """ data_dict = {} data_find = False for line in data_lines: line = line.strip() if ">" in line and "!" not in line: line_list = line[1:].strip().split() if len(line_list) == 0: continue key = line_list[0].lower() if key in self._accepted_keys: data_find = True data_dict[key] = [] else: data_find = False elif data_find and ">" not in line and "!" not in line: d_lines = line.strip().split() for ii, dd in enumerate(d_lines): # check for empty values and set them to 0, check for any # other characters sometimes there are ****** for a null # component try: d_lines[ii] = float(dd) if d_lines[ii] == self.Header.empty: d_lines[ii] = 0.0 except ValueError: d_lines[ii] = 0.0 data_dict[key] += d_lines # put everything into arrays for key, k_list in data_dict.items(): data_dict[key] = np.array(k_list) # fill useful arrays self.frequency = data_dict["freq"] self.z = np.zeros((self.frequency.size, 2, 2), dtype=complex) self.z_err = np.zeros((self.frequency.size, 2, 2), dtype=float) # fill tipper data if there it exists self.t = np.zeros((self.frequency.size, 1, 2), dtype=complex) self.t_err = np.zeros((self.frequency.size, 1, 2), dtype=float) self.data_dict = data_dict # fill tensors for key in sorted(self._index_dict.keys(), reverse=True): index = self._index_dict[key] ii = index["ii"] jj = index["jj"] obj = getattr(self, index["obj"]) error_obj = getattr(self, index["err_obj"]) try: if key.startswith("z"): obj[:, ii, jj] = ( data_dict[f"{key}r"] + data_dict[f"{key}i"] * 1j ) try: error_key = [ k for k in data_dict.keys() if key in k and "var" in k ][0] error_obj[:, ii, jj] = ( np.abs(data_dict[error_key]) ** 0.5 ) except IndexError: self.logger.debug( f"Could not find error information for {key}" ) elif key.startswith("t"): obj[:, ii, jj] = ( data_dict[f"{key}r.exp"] + data_dict[f"{key}i.exp"] * 1j ) try: error_key = [ k for k in data_dict.keys() if key in k and "var" in k ][0] error_obj[:, ii, jj] = ( np.abs(data_dict[error_key]) ** 0.5 ) except IndexError: self.logger.debug( f"Could not find error information for {key}" ) elif key.startswith("r") or key.startswith("p"): self.logger.debug( "Reading RHO and PHS to compute impedance" ) if (self.z[:, ii, jj] == 0).all(): phase = data_dict[f"phs{key[-2:]}"] z_real = np.sqrt( (5 * self.frequency * data_dict[key]) / (np.tan(np.deg2rad(phase)) ** 2 + 1) ) z_imag = (np.tan(np.deg2rad(phase))) * z_real if ii == 1 and jj == 0: if phase.mean() < 90 and phase.mean() > 0: obj[:, ii, jj] = -1 * (z_real + 1j * z_imag) else: obj[:, ii, jj] = z_real + 1j * z_imag error_obj[:, ii, jj] = np.deg2rad( data_dict[f"phs{key[-2:]}.err"] ) * np.sqrt(data_dict[key] * (self.frequency * 5)) except KeyError as error: self.logger.debug(error) # check for order of frequency, we want high togit low if self.frequency[0] < self.frequency[1]: self.logger.debug( "Ordered arrays to be arranged from high to low frequency" ) self.frequency = self.frequency[::-1] self.z = self.z[::-1] self.z_err = self.z_err[::-1] try: self.rotation_angle = np.array(data_dict["zrot"]) except KeyError: try: self.rotation_angle = np.array(data_dict["rhorot"]) except KeyError: self.rotation_angle = np.zeros_like(self.frequency) def _read_spectra( self, data_lines, comp_list=["hx", "hy", "hz", "ex", "ey", "rhx", "rhy"], ): """ Read in spectra data and convert to impedance and Tipper. Translated from A. Kelbert's EMTF fortran module :param data_lines: list of lines from edi file :type data_lines: list :param comp_list: list of components that correspond to the columns of the spectra data. :type comp_list: list """ data_dict = {} avgt_dict = {} data_find = False for line in data_lines: if line.lower().find(">spectra") == 0 and line.find("!") == -1: line_list = _validate_str_with_equals(line) data_find = True # frequency will be the key try: key = float( [ ss.split("=")[1] for ss in line_list if ss.lower().find("freq") == 0 ][0] ) data_dict[key] = [] avgt = float( [ ss.split("=")[1] for ss in line_list if ss.lower().find("avgt") == 0 ][0] ) avgt_dict[key] = avgt except ValueError: self.logger.debug("did not find frequency key") elif data_find and line.find(">") == -1 and line.find("!") == -1: data_dict[key] += [float(ll) for ll in line.strip().split()] elif line.find(">spectra") == -1: data_find = False # get an object that contains the indices for each component cc = index_locator(comp_list) self.frequency = np.array(sorted(list(data_dict.keys()), reverse=True)) self.z = np.zeros((self.frequency.size, 2, 2), dtype=complex) self.t = np.zeros((self.frequency.size, 1, 2), dtype=complex) self.z_err = np.zeros_like(self.z, dtype=float) self.t_err = np.zeros_like(self.t, dtype=float) self.residual_covariance = np.zeros( (self.frequency.size, cc.n_outputs, cc.n_outputs), dtype=complex ) self.signal_inverse_power = np.zeros( (self.frequency.size, cc.n_inputs, cc.n_inputs), dtype=complex ) = np.zeros( (self.frequency.size, cc.n_outputs, cc.n_inputs), dtype=complex ) self.tf_err = np.zeros_like(, dtype=float) for kk, key in enumerate(self.frequency): # read in spectra as an (n_channel x n_channel) array spectra_arr = np.reshape( np.array(data_dict[key]), (len(comp_list), len(comp_list)) ) # compute cross powers s_arr = np.zeros_like(spectra_arr, dtype=complex) for ii in range(s_arr.shape[0]): for jj in range(ii, s_arr.shape[0]): if ii == jj: s_arr[ii, jj] = spectra_arr[ii, jj] else: # minus sign for complex conjugation # original spectra data are of form <A,B*>, but we need # the order <B,A*>... # this is achieved by complex conjugation of the # original entries s_arr[ii, jj] = complex( spectra_arr[jj, ii], -spectra_arr[ii, jj] ) # keep complex conjugated entries in the lower # triangular matrix: s_arr[jj, ii] = complex( spectra_arr[jj, ii], spectra_arr[ii, jj] ) # check for empty values s_arr[s_arr == 0] = np.nan s_arr[s_arr == self.Header.empty] = np.nan # from A. Kelbert's EMTF # cross spectra matrices # Note we changed the indices to [ex, ey, hz] from [hz, ex, ey] # input channels rh = np.zeros((cc.n_inputs, cc.n_inputs), dtype=complex) rr = np.zeros((cc.n_inputs, cc.n_inputs), dtype=complex) hh = np.zeros((cc.n_inputs, cc.n_inputs), dtype=complex) # output channels re = np.zeros((cc.n_inputs, cc.n_outputs), dtype=complex) he = np.zeros((cc.n_inputs, cc.n_outputs), dtype=complex) ee = np.zeros((cc.n_outputs, cc.n_outputs), dtype=complex) # fill in cross powers for input channels rh[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.hx] rh[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.hy] rh[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.hx] rh[1, 1] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.hy] rr[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.rhx] rr[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.rhy] rr[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.rhx] rr[1, 1] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.rhy] hh[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hx] hh[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hy] hh[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hx] hh[1, 1] = s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hy] # fill in cross powers for output channels if cc.has_tipper and cc.has_electric: re[0, 2] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.hz] re[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.ex] re[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.ey] re[1, 2] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.hz] re[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.ex] re[1, 1] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.ey] he[0, 2] = s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hz] he[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.hx, cc.ex] he[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.hx, cc.ey] he[1, 2] = s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hz] he[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.hy, cc.ex] he[1, 1] = s_arr[cc.hy, cc.ey] ee[2, 2] = s_arr[cc.hz, cc.hz] ee[2, 0] = s_arr[cc.hz, cc.ex] ee[2, 1] = s_arr[cc.hz, cc.ey] ee[0, 2] = s_arr[cc.ex, cc.hz] ee[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.ex, cc.ex] ee[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.ex, cc.ey] ee[1, 2] = s_arr[cc.ey, cc.hz] ee[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.ey, cc.ex] ee[1, 1] = s_arr[cc.ey, cc.ey] elif not cc.has_tipper and cc.has_electric: re[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.ex] re[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.ey] re[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.ex] re[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.ey] he[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.hx, cc.ex] he[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.hx, cc.ey] he[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.hy, cc.ex] he[1, 1] = s_arr[cc.hy, cc.ey] ee[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.ex, cc.ex] ee[0, 1] = s_arr[cc.ex, cc.ey] ee[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.ey, cc.ex] ee[1, 1] = s_arr[cc.ey, cc.ey] elif cc.has_tipper and not cc.has_electric: re[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhx, cc.hz] re[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.rhy, cc.hz] he[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.hx, cc.hz] he[1, 0] = s_arr[cc.hy, cc.hz] ee[0, 0] = s_arr[cc.hz, cc.hz] # check to make sure the values are legit for accurate results if abs(np.linalg.det(rh)) < np.finfo(float).eps: self.logger.warning( "spectral matrix determinant is too small " f"{abs(np.linalg.det(rh))} for period {key}. " "Results may be inaccurate" ) tfh = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(rh), re) tf = tfh.conj().T sig = np.matmul( np.linalg.inv(rh), np.matmul(rr, np.linalg.inv(rh.conj().T)) ) res = ( ee - np.matmul(tf, he) - np.matmul(he.conj().T, tfh) + np.matmul(tf, np.matmul(hh, tfh)) ) / avgt_dict[key] # variance = abs([0 : cc.n_inputs, :].T, sig)) variance = np.zeros((cc.n_outputs, cc.n_inputs), dtype=complex) for nn in range(cc.n_outputs): for mm in range(cc.n_inputs): variance[nn, mm] = res[nn, nn] * sig[mm, mm] tf_err = np.sqrt(np.abs(variance))[kk, :, :] = tf self.tf_err[kk, :, :] = np.sqrt(np.abs(variance)) self.signal_inverse_power[kk, :, :] = sig self.residual_covariance[kk, :, :] = res if cc.has_tipper and cc.has_electric: self.z[kk, :, :] = tf[0:2, :] self.z_err[kk, :, :] = tf_err[0:2, :] self.t[kk, :, :] = tf[2, :] self.t_err[kk, :, :] = tf_err[2, :] self.z_err[np.where(np.nan_to_num(self.z_err) == 0.0)] = 1.0 self.t_err[np.nan_to_num(self.t_err) == 0.0] = 1.0 elif not cc.has_tipper and cc.has_electric: self.z[kk, :, :] = tf[:, :] self.z_err[kk, :, :] = tf_err[:, :] self.z_err[np.where(np.nan_to_num(self.z_err) == 0.0)] = 1.0 elif cc.has_tipper and not cc.has_electric: self.t[kk, :, :] = tf[:, :] self.t_err[kk, :, :] = tf_err[:, :] self.t_err[np.nan_to_num(self.t_err) == 0.0] = 1.0
[docs] def write( self, new_edi_fn=None, longitude_format="LON", latlon_format="dms" ): """ Write a new edi file from either an existing .edi file or from data input by the user into the attributes of Edi. :param new_edi_fn: full path to new edi file. *default* is None, which will write to the same file as the input .edi with as: r"/home/mt/mt01_1.edi" :type new_edi_fn: string :param longitude_format: whether to write longitude as LON or LONG. options are 'LON' or 'LONG', default 'LON' :type longitude_format: string :param latlon_format: format of latitude and longitude in output edi, degrees minutes seconds ('dms') or decimal degrees ('dd') :type latlon_format: string :returns: full path to new edi file :rtype: string :Example: :: >>> import mtpy.core.edi as mtedi >>> edi_obj = mtedi.Edi(fn=r"/home/mt/mt01/edi") >>> edi_obj.Header.dataid = 'mt01_rr' >>> n_edi_fn = edi_obj.write_edi_file() """ if new_edi_fn is None: if self.fn is not None: new_edi_fn = self.fn else: new_edi_fn = Path().cwd().joinpath(f"{self.Header.dataid}.edi") # write lines extra_lines = [] if self.survey_metadata.summary != None: extra_lines.append( f"\tsurvey.summary = {self.survey_metadata.summary}\n" ) if self.Header.progname != "mt_metadata": extra_lines.append( f"\{self.Header.progname}\n" ) if self.Header.progvers != __version__: extra_lines.append( f"\toriginal_program.version={self.Header.progvers}\n" ) if self.Header.progdate != "1980-01-01": extra_lines.append( f"\{self.Header.progdate}\n" ) if self.Header.fileby != "1980-01-01": extra_lines.append( f"\{self.Header.filedate}\n" ) header_lines = self.Header.write_header( longitude_format=longitude_format, latlon_format=latlon_format ) info_lines = self.Info.write_info() info_lines.insert(1, "".join(extra_lines)) define_lines = self.Measurement.write_measurement( longitude_format=longitude_format, latlon_format=latlon_format ) self.Data.nfreq = len(self.frequency) dsect_lines = self.Data.write_data() # write out frequencies freq_lines = [self._data_header_str.format("frequencies".upper())] freq_lines += self._write_data_block(self.frequency, "freq") # write out rotation angles zrot_lines = [ self._data_header_str.format("impedance rotation angles".upper()) ] if self.rotation_angle is None: self.rotation_angle = np.zeros(self.frequency.size) elif isinstance(self.rotation_angle, (float, int)): self.rotation_angle = np.repeat( self.rotation_angle, self.frequency.size ) elif len(self.rotation_angle) != self.frequency.size: raise ValueError( "rotation angle must be the same length and the number of " f"frequencies {len(self.rotation_angle)} != {self.frequency.size}" ) zrot_lines += self._write_data_block(self.rotation_angle, "zrot") # write out data only impedance and tipper z_data_lines = [self._data_header_str.format("impedances".upper())] self.z = np.nan_to_num(self.z) self.z_err = np.nan_to_num(self.z_err) self.t = np.nan_to_num(self.t) self.t_err = np.nan_to_num(self.t_err) if self.z is not None: for ii in range(2): for jj in range(2): z_lines_real = self._write_data_block( self.z[:, ii, jj].real, self._z_labels[2 * ii + jj][0] ) z_lines_imag = self._write_data_block( self.z[:, ii, jj].imag, self._z_labels[2 * ii + jj][1] ) z_lines_var = self._write_data_block( self.z_err[:, ii, jj] ** 2.0, self._z_labels[2 * ii + jj][2], ) z_data_lines += z_lines_real z_data_lines += z_lines_imag z_data_lines += z_lines_var if self.t is None: trot_lines = [""] t_data_lines = [""] elif np.all(self.t == 0): trot_lines = [""] t_data_lines = [""] else: try: # write out rotation angles trot_lines = [ self._data_header_str.format( "tipper rotation angles".upper() ) ] if isinstance(self.rotation_angle, float): trot = np.repeat(self.rotation_angle, self.frequency.size) else: trot = self.rotation_angle trot_lines += self._write_data_block(np.array(trot), "trot") # write out tipper lines t_data_lines = [self._data_header_str.format("tipper".upper())] for jj in range(2): t_lines_real = self._write_data_block( self.t[:, 0, jj].real, self._t_labels[jj][0] ) t_lines_imag = self._write_data_block( self.t[:, 0, jj].imag, self._t_labels[jj][1] ) t_lines_var = self._write_data_block( self.t_err[:, 0, jj] ** 2.0, self._t_labels[jj][2] ) t_data_lines += t_lines_real t_data_lines += t_lines_imag t_data_lines += t_lines_var except AttributeError: trot_lines = [""] t_data_lines = [""] edi_lines = ( header_lines + info_lines + define_lines + dsect_lines + freq_lines + zrot_lines + z_data_lines + trot_lines + t_data_lines + [">END"] ) with open(new_edi_fn, "w") as fid: fid.write("".join(edi_lines)) self.fn = new_edi_fn
def _write_data_block(self, data_comp_arr, data_key): """ Write a data block :param data_comp_arr: array of data components :type data_comp_arr: np.ndarray :param data_key: the component to write out :type data_key: string :returns: list of lines to write to edi file :rtype: list """ if data_key.lower().find("z") >= 0 and data_key.lower() not in [ "zrot", "trot", ]: block_lines = [ ">{0} ROT=ZROT // {1:.0f}\n".format( data_key.upper(), data_comp_arr.size ) ] elif data_key.lower().find("t") >= 0 and data_key.lower() not in [ "zrot", "trot", ]: block_lines = [ ">{0} ROT=TROT // {1:.0f}\n".format( data_key.upper(), data_comp_arr.size ) ] elif data_key.lower() == "freq": block_lines = [ ">{0} // {1:.0f}\n".format( data_key.upper(), data_comp_arr.size ) ] elif data_key.lower() in ["zrot", "trot"]: block_lines = [ ">{0} // {1:.0f}\n".format( data_key.upper(), data_comp_arr.size ) ] else: raise ValueError("Cannot write block for {0}".format(data_key)) for d_index, d_comp in enumerate(data_comp_arr, 1): if d_comp == 0.0 and data_key.lower() not in ["zrot", "trot"]: d_comp = self.Header.empty # write the string in the specified format num_str = "{0:{1}}".format(d_comp, self._num_format) # check to see if a new line is needed if d_index % self._block_len == 0: num_str += "\n" # at the end of the block add a return if d_index == data_comp_arr.size: num_str += "\n" block_lines.append(num_str) return block_lines # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # set a few important properties # --> Latitude @property def lat(self): """latitude in decimal degrees""" return @lat.setter def lat(self, input_lat): """set latitude and make sure it is converted to a float""" = input_lat # --> Longitude @property def lon(self): """longitude in decimal degrees""" return self.Header.lon @lon.setter def lon(self, input_lon): """set latitude and make sure it is converted to a float""" self.Header.lon = input_lon # --> Elevation @property def elev(self): """Elevation in elevation units""" return self.Header.elev @elev.setter def elev(self, input_elev): """set elevation and make sure it is converted to a float""" self.Header.elev = input_elev # --> station @property def station(self): """station name""" if self.Header.dataid is not None: return self.Header.dataid.replace(r"/", "_") elif self.Measurement.refloc is not None: return self.Measurement.refloc.replace('"', "") elif self.Data.sectid is not None: return self.Data.sectid @station.setter def station(self, new_station): """station name""" if not isinstance(new_station, str): new_station = f"{new_station}".replace(r"/", "_") self.Header.dataid = new_station self.Data.sectid = new_station @property def survey_metadata(self): sm = metadata.Survey() sm.project = self.Header.project if sm.project is None: try: sm.project = self.Header.prospect except AttributeError: pass = self.Header.survey if is None: = "0" = self.Header.acqby sm.geographic_name = self.Header.loc = for key, value in self.Info.info_dict.items(): if key is None: key = "extra" key = key.lower() if key.startswith("survey."): sm.set_attr_from_name(key.split("survey.")[1], value) sm.add_station(self.station_metadata) return sm @survey_metadata.setter def survey_metadata(self, survey): """ Update metadata from a survey metadata object :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if not isinstance(survey, metadata.Survey): raise TypeError( "Input must be a mt_metadata.transfer_function.Survey object" f" not {type(survey)}" ) self.Header.survey = self.Header.project = survey.project self.Header.loc = survey.geographic_name = if survey.summary != None: self.Info.info_list.append(f"survey.summary = {survey.summary}") @property def station_metadata(self): sm = metadata.Station() sm.add_run(metadata.Run(id=f"{self.station}a")) = self.station sm.data_type = "MT" sm.channels_recorded = self.Measurement.channels_recorded # location sm.location.latitude = sm.location.longitude = self.lon sm.location.elevation = self.elev sm.location.datum = self.Header.datum sm.location.declination.value = self.Header.declination.value sm.orientation.reference_frame = self.Header.coordinate_system.split()[ 0 ] # provenance = self.Header.acqby sm.provenance.creation_time = self.Header.filedate = self.Header.fileby = self.Header.fileby = self.Header.progvers sm.transfer_function.processed_date = self.Header.filedate sm.transfer_function.runs_processed = sm.run_list = self.station # dates if self.Header.acqdate is not None: sm.time_period.start = self.Header.acqdate if self.Header.enddate is not None: sm.time_period.end = self.Header.enddate for key, value in self.Info.info_dict.items(): if key is None: continue # processing information for key, value in self.Info.info_dict.items(): if key is None: continue key = key.lower() if "provenance" in key: sm.set_attr_from_name(key, value) elif "transfer_function" in key: key = key.split("transfer_function.")[1] if "processing_parameters" in key: param = key.split(".")[-1] sm.transfer_function.processing_parameters.append( f"{param}={value}" ) else: sm.transfer_function.set_attr_from_name(key, value) if "runs_processed" in key: sm.run_list = sm.transfer_function.runs_processed elif key.startswith("run."): key = key.split("run.")[1] comp, key = key.split(".", 1) try: ch = getattr(sm.runs[0], comp) except AttributeError: ch = None if ch is None: if comp in ["ex", "ey"]: ch = metadata.Electric(component=comp) sm.runs[0].add_channel(ch) elif comp in ["hx", "hy", "hz", "rrhx", "rrhy"]: ch = metadata.Magnetic(component=comp) sm.runs[0].add_channel(ch) else: self.logger.warning( f"Do not recognize channel {comp}, skipping..." ) ch.set_attr_from_name(key, value) elif key.startswith("data_logger"): sm.runs[0].set_attr_from_name(key, value) elif key.startswith("station."): sm.set_attr_from_name(key.split("station.")[1], value) elif "processing." in key: key = key.split("processing.")[1] if key in ["software"]: = value elif key in ["tag"]: if value.count(",") > 0: sm.transfer_function.remote_references = value.split( "," ) else: sm.transfer_function.remote_references = value.split() elif key in ["processedby", "processed_by"]: = value elif key in ["runlist", "run_list"]: if value.count(",") > 0: runs = value.split(",") else: runs = value.split() sm.run_list = [] for rr in runs: if rr not in sm.runs.keys(): sm.add_run(metadata.Run(id=rr)) sm.transfer_function.runs_processed = runs elif key == "sitename": sm.geographic_name = value elif key == "signconvention": sm.transfer_function.sign_convention = value elif "mtft" in key or "emtf" in key or "mtedit" in key: sm.transfer_function.processing_parameters.append( f"{key}={value}" ) if self.Header.filedate is not None: sm.transfer_function.processed_date = self.Header.filedate # make any extra information in info list into a comment sm.comments = "\n".join(self.Info.info_list) # add information to runs for rr in sm.runs: if rr.time_period.start == "1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00": rr.time_period.start = sm.time_period.start if rr.time_period.end == "1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00": rr.time_period.end = sm.time_period.end for ch in self.Measurement.channels_recorded: try: rr.add_channel(getattr(self, f"{ch}_metadata")) except AttributeError: pass return sm @station_metadata.setter def station_metadata(self, sm): """ Set EDI metadata from station metadata object :param sm: Station object to pull metadata from :type sm: :class:`` """ ### fill header information from station self.Header.acqby = self.Header.acqdate = sm.time_period.start self.Header.coordinate_system = sm.orientation.reference_frame self.Header.dataid = self.Header.declination = sm.location.declination self.Header.elev = sm.location.elevation self.Header.fileby = self.Header.filedate = sm.provenance.creation_time = sm.location.latitude self.Header.lon = sm.location.longitude self.Header.datum = sm.location.datum self.Header.units = sm.transfer_function.units self.Header.enddate = sm.time_period.end ### write notes # write comments, which would be anything in the info section from an edi if isinstance(sm.comments, str): self.Info.info_list += sm.comments.split("\n") # write transfer function info first for k, v in sm.transfer_function.to_dict(single=True).items(): if not v in [None]: if k in ["processing_parameters"]: for item in v: self.Info.info_list.append( f"transfer_function.{item.replace('=', ' = ')}" ) else: self.Info.info_list.append(f"transfer_function.{k} = {v}") # write provenance for k, v in sm.provenance.to_dict(single=True).items(): if not v in [None, "None", "null", "1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"]: self.Info.info_list.append(f"provenance.{k} = {v}") # write field notes for run in sm.runs: r_dict = run.to_dict(single=True) for r_key, r_value in r_dict.items(): if r_value in [ None, "None", "null", "1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", ]: continue self.Info.info_list.append(f"{}.{r_key} = {r_value}") for ch in run.channels: ch_dict = ch.to_dict(single=True) for ch_key, ch_value in ch_dict.items(): if ch_key not in self._channel_skip_list: if ch_value in [ None, "None", "null", "1980-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", ]: continue self.Info.info_list.append( f"{}.{ch.component}.{ch_key} = {ch_value}" ) self.Measurement.from_metadata(ch) ### fill measurement self.Measurement.refelev = sm.location.elevation self.Measurement.reflat = sm.location.latitude self.Measurement.reflon = sm.location.longitude self.Measurement.refloc = self.Measurement.maxchan = len(sm.channels_recorded) def _get_electric_metadata(self, comp): """ get electric information from the various metadata """ comp = comp.lower() electric = metadata.Electric(component=comp) electric.positive.type = "electric" electric.negative.type = "electric" if hasattr(self.Measurement, f"meas_{comp}"): meas = getattr(self.Measurement, f"meas_{comp}") for attr in [ "negative.x", "negative.y", "positive.x2", "positive.y2", "measurement_azimuth", "translated_azimuth", ]: if electric.get_attr_from_name(attr) is None: electric.set_attr_from_name(attr, 0) electric.dipole_length = meas.dipole_length electric.channel_id = electric.measurement_azimuth = meas.azimuth electric.translated_azimuth = meas.azimuth electric.component = meas.chtype electric.channel_number = meas.channel_number electric.negative.x = meas.x electric.positive.x2 = meas.x2 electric.negative.y = meas.y electric.positive.y2 = meas.y2 for k, v in self.Info.info_dict.items(): if k is None: continue if f"{comp}." in k: key = k.split(f"{comp}.")[1].strip() if key == "manufacturer": electric.negative.manufacturer = v electric.positive.manufacturer = v if key == "type": electric.negative.type = v electric.positive.type = v if ( electric.positive.x2 == 0 and electric.positive.y2 == 0.0 and electric.negative.x == 0 and electric.negative.y == 0.0 ): electric.positive.x2 = electric.dipole_length * np.cos( np.deg2rad(meas.azimuth) ) electric.positive.y2 = electric.dipole_length * np.sin( np.deg2rad(meas.azimuth) ) for key, value in self.Info.info_dict.items(): if key is None: continue elif ".type" in key: continue if f".{comp}." in key: key = key.split(f".{comp}.", 1)[-1] electric.set_attr_from_name(key, value) return electric @property def ex_metadata(self): return self._get_electric_metadata("ex") @property def ey_metadata(self): return self._get_electric_metadata("ey") def _get_magnetic_metadata(self, comp): """ get magnetic metadata from the various sources :param comp: DESCRIPTION :type comp: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ magnetic = metadata.Magnetic(component=comp) magnetic.sensor.type = "magnetic" if hasattr(self.Measurement, f"meas_{comp}"): meas = getattr(self.Measurement, f"meas_{comp}") for attr in ["location.x", "location.y", "location.z"]: if magnetic.get_attr_from_name(attr) is None: magnetic.set_attr_from_name(attr, 0) magnetic.measurement_azimuth = meas.azm magnetic.translated_azimuth = meas.azm magnetic.component = meas.chtype magnetic.channel_number = meas.channel_number magnetic.channel_id = magnetic.location.x = meas.x magnetic.location.y = meas.y try: = meas.meas_magnetic.sensor except AttributeError: pass for k, v in self.Info.info_dict.items(): if k is None: continue if f"{comp}." in k: key = k.split(f"{comp}.")[1].strip() if key == "manufacturer": magnetic.sensor.manufacturer = v if key == "type": magnetic.sensor.type = v if key.startswith("sensor."): magnetic.set_attr_from_name(key, v) return magnetic @property def hx_metadata(self): return self._get_magnetic_metadata("hx") @property def hy_metadata(self): return self._get_magnetic_metadata("hy") @property def hz_metadata(self): return self._get_magnetic_metadata("hz") @property def rrhx_metadata(self): return self._get_magnetic_metadata("rrhx") @property def rrhy_metadata(self): return self._get_magnetic_metadata("rrhy")