Source code for mt_metadata.transfer_functions.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: TF
   :synopsis: The main container for transfer functions

.. moduleauthor:: Jared Peacock <>

# ==============================================================================
from pathlib import Path
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from loguru import logger

from mt_metadata.timeseries import Survey as TSSurvey
from import (
from import (
from import (
    Channel as ZChannel,
from mt_metadata.base.helpers import validate_name
from mt_metadata.utils.list_dict import ListDict
from mt_metadata import DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NOMENCLATURE

# =============================================================================

[docs]class TF: """ Generic container to hold information about an electromagnetic transfer funtion The thought here is to have a central container TF.dataset which is an xarray.Dataset that contains the impedance, tipper, errors and covariance values. There are helper functions to get and set these from the TF.dataset. Cause most of the time the user will want just the impedance or the tipper and associated errors. We are accommodating EMTF style covariances to accurately rotated data errors. When reading and writing edi files this information will be lost. """ def __init__(self, fn=None, **kwargs): self.logger = logger # set metadata for the station self._survey_metadata = self._initialize_metadata() self.channel_nomenclature = DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NOMENCLATURE self._inverse_channel_nomenclature = {} self._rotation_angle = 0 self.save_dir = Path.cwd() self._dataset_attr_dict = { "survey": "", "project": "survey_metadata.project", "id": "", "name": "station_metadata.geographic_name", "latitude": "station_metadata.location.latitude", "longitude": "station_metadata.location.longitude", "elevation": "station_metadata.location.elevation", "declination": "station_metadata.location.declination.value", "datum": "station_metadata.location.datum", "acquired_by": "", "start": "station_metadata.time_period.start", "end": "station_metadata.time_period.end", "runs_processed": "station_metadata.run_list", "coordinate_system": "station_metadata.orientation.reference_frame", } self._read_write_dict = { "edi": {"write": self.to_edi, "read": self.from_edi}, "xml": {"write": self.to_emtfxml, "read": self.from_emtfxml}, "emtfxml": {"write": self.to_emtfxml, "read": self.from_emtfxml}, "j": {"write": self.to_jfile, "read": self.from_jfile}, "zmm": {"write": self.to_zmm, "read": self.from_zmm}, "zrr": {"write": self.to_zrr, "read": self.from_zrr}, "zss": {"write": self.to_zss, "read": self.from_zss}, "avg": {"write": self.to_avg, "read": self.from_avg}, } tf_set = False try: period = kwargs.pop("period") self._transfer_function = self._initialize_transfer_function( periods=period ) tf_set = True except KeyError: try: period = 1.0 / kwargs.pop("frequency") self._transfer_function = self._initialize_transfer_function( periods=period ) tf_set = True except KeyError: pass pass for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) if not tf_set: self._transfer_function = self._initialize_transfer_function() self.fn = fn @property def inverse_channel_nomenclature(self): if not self._inverse_channel_nomenclature: self._inverse_channel_nomenclature = { v: k for k, v in self.channel_nomenclature.items() } return self._inverse_channel_nomenclature def __str__(self): lines = [f"Station: {self.station}", "-" * 50] lines.append(f"\tSurvey: {}") lines.append(f"\tProject: {self.survey_metadata.project}") lines.append( f"\tAcquired by: {}" ) lines.append( f"\tAcquired date: {self.station_metadata.time_period.start_date}" ) lines.append(f"\tLatitude: {self.latitude:.3f}") lines.append(f"\tLongitude: {self.longitude:.3f}") lines.append(f"\tElevation: {self.elevation:.3f}") lines.append("\tDeclination: ") lines.append( f"\t\tValue: {self.station_metadata.location.declination.value}" ) lines.append( f"\t\tModel: {self.station_metadata.location.declination.model}" ) lines.append( f"\tCoordinate System: {self.station_metadata.orientation.reference_frame}" ) lines.append(f"\tImpedance: {self.has_impedance()}") lines.append(f"\tTipper: {self.has_tipper()}") if self.period is not None: lines.append(f"\tN Periods: {len(self.period)}") lines.append("\tPeriod Range:") lines.append(f"\t\tMin: {self.period.min():.5E} s") lines.append(f"\t\tMax: {self.period.max():.5E} s") lines.append("\tFrequency Range:") lines.append(f"\t\tMin: {1./self.period.max():.5E} Hz") lines.append(f"\t\tMax: {1./self.period.min():.5E} Hz") return "\n".join(lines) def __repr__(self): lines = [] lines.append(f"survey='{self.survey}'") lines.append(f"station='{self.station}'") lines.append(f"latitude={self.latitude:.2f}") lines.append(f"longitude={self.longitude:.2f}") lines.append(f"elevation={self.elevation:.2f}") return f"TF( {(', ').join(lines)} )" def __eq__(self, other): is_equal = True if not isinstance(other, TF):"Comparing object is not TF, type {type(other)}") is_equal = False if self.station_metadata != other.station_metadata:"Station metadata is not equal") is_equal = False if self.survey_metadata != other.survey_metadata:"Survey Metadata is not equal") is_equal = False if self.has_transfer_function() and other.has_transfer_function(): if not self.transfer_function.equals(other.transfer_function):"TF is not equal") is_equal = False elif ( not self.has_transfer_function() and not other.has_transfer_function() ): pass else:"TF is not equal") is_equal = False return is_equal def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k in ["logger"]: continue setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) result.logger = logger return result
[docs] def copy(self): return deepcopy(self)
def _add_channels( self, run_metadata, default=["ex", "ey", "hx", "hy", "hz"] ): """ add channels to a run """ for ch in [cc for cc in default if cc.startswith("e")]: run_metadata.add_channel(Electric(component=ch)) for ch in [cc for cc in default if cc.startswith("h")]: run_metadata.add_channel(Magnetic(component=ch)) return run_metadata def _initialize_metadata(self): """ Create a single `Survey` object to store all metadata :param channel_type: DESCRIPTION :type channel_type: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ survey_metadata = Survey(id="0") survey_metadata.stations.append(Station(id="0")) survey_metadata.stations[0].runs.append(Run(id="0")) self._add_channels(survey_metadata.stations[0].runs[0]) return survey_metadata def _validate_run_metadata(self, run_metadata): """ validate run metadata """ if not isinstance(run_metadata, Run): if isinstance(run_metadata, dict): if "run" not in [cc.lower() for cc in run_metadata.keys()]: run_metadata = {"Run": run_metadata} r_metadata = Run() r_metadata.from_dict(run_metadata) self.logger.debug("Loading from metadata dict") return r_metadata else: msg = ( f"input metadata must be type {type(self.run_metadata)} " f"or dict, not {type(run_metadata)}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) return run_metadata.copy() def _validate_station_metadata(self, station_metadata): """ validate station metadata """ if not isinstance(station_metadata, Station): if isinstance(station_metadata, dict): if "station" not in [ cc.lower() for cc in station_metadata.keys() ]: station_metadata = {"Station": station_metadata} st_metadata = Station() st_metadata.from_dict(station_metadata) self.logger.debug("Loading from metadata dict") return st_metadata else: msg = ( f"input metadata must be type {type(self.station_metadata)}" f" or dict, not {type(station_metadata)}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) return station_metadata.copy() def _validate_survey_metadata(self, survey_metadata): """ validate station metadata """ if not isinstance(survey_metadata, Survey): if isinstance(survey_metadata, TSSurvey): sm = Survey() sm.from_dict(survey_metadata.to_dict()) sm.stations = survey_metadata.stations survey_metadata = sm elif isinstance(survey_metadata, dict): if "survey" not in [ cc.lower() for cc in survey_metadata.keys() ]: survey_metadata = {"Survey": survey_metadata} sv_metadata = Survey() sv_metadata.from_dict(survey_metadata) self.logger.debug("Loading from metadata dict") return sv_metadata else: msg = ( f"input metadata must be type {type(self.survey_metadata)}" f" or dict, not {type(survey_metadata)}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) return survey_metadata.copy() ### Properties ------------------------------------------------------------ @property def survey_metadata(self): """ survey metadata """ return self._survey_metadata @survey_metadata.setter def survey_metadata(self, survey_metadata): """ :param survey_metadata: survey metadata object or dictionary :type survey_metadata: :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.Survey` or dict """ if survey_metadata is not None: survey_metadata = self._validate_survey_metadata(survey_metadata) self._survey_metadata.update(survey_metadata) for station in survey_metadata.stations: station.update_time_period() self._survey_metadata.add_station(station) if len(self._survey_metadata.stations.keys()) > 1: if "0" in self._survey_metadata.stations.keys(): self._survey_metadata.stations.remove("0") self._survey_metadata.update_time_period() @property def station_metadata(self): """ station metadata """ return self.survey_metadata.stations[0] @station_metadata.setter def station_metadata(self, station_metadata): """ set station metadata from a valid input """ if station_metadata is not None: station_metadata = self._validate_station_metadata(station_metadata) runs = ListDict() if not in ["0", 0, None]: runs.append(self.run_metadata.copy()) runs.extend(station_metadata.runs) if len(runs) == 0: runs[0] = Run(id="0") # be sure there is a level below if len(runs[0].channels) == 0: self._add_channels(runs[0]) stations = ListDict() stations.append(station_metadata) stations[0].runs = runs stations[0].update_time_period() self.survey_metadata.stations = stations self._survey_metadata.update_time_period() @property def run_metadata(self): """ station metadata """ return self.survey_metadata.stations[0].runs[0] @run_metadata.setter def run_metadata(self, run_metadata): """ set run metadata from a valid input """ # need to make sure the first index is the desired channel if run_metadata is not None: run_metadata = self._validate_run_metadata(run_metadata) runs = ListDict() runs.append(run_metadata) channels = ListDict() if self.component is not None: key = str(self.component) channels.append(self.station_metadata.runs[0].channels[key]) # add existing channels channels.extend( self.run_metadata.channels, skip_keys=[key, "0"] ) # add channels from input metadata channels.extend(run_metadata.channels) runs[0].channels = channels runs.extend( self.station_metadata.runs, skip_keys=[, "0"] ) self._survey_metadata.stations[0].runs = runs def _initialize_transfer_function(self, periods=[1]): """ create an empty x array for the data. For now this accommodates a single processed station. :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ # create an empty array for the transfer function tf = xr.DataArray( data=0.0 + 0j, dims=["period", "output", "input"], coords={ "period": periods, "output": self._ch_output_dict["all"], "input": self._ch_input_dict["all"], }, name="transfer_function", ) tf_err = xr.DataArray( data=0.0, dims=["period", "output", "input"], coords={ "period": periods, "output": self._ch_output_dict["all"], "input": self._ch_input_dict["all"], }, name="transfer_function_error", ) tf_model_err = xr.DataArray( data=0.0, dims=["period", "output", "input"], coords={ "period": periods, "output": self._ch_output_dict["all"], "input": self._ch_input_dict["all"], }, name="transfer_function_model_error", ) inv_signal_power = xr.DataArray( data=0.0 + 0j, dims=["period", "output", "input"], coords={ "period": periods, "output": self._ch_output_dict["all"], "input": self._ch_input_dict["all"], }, name="inverse_signal_power", ) residual_covariance = xr.DataArray( data=0.0 + 0j, dims=["period", "output", "input"], coords={ "period": periods, "output": self._ch_output_dict["all"], "input": self._ch_input_dict["all"], }, name="residual_covariance", ) # will need to add in covariance in some fashion return xr.Dataset( { tf, tf_err, tf_model_err, inv_signal_power, residual_covariance, }, coords={ "period": periods, "output": self._ch_output_dict["all"], "input": self._ch_input_dict["all"], }, ) # ========================================================================== # Properties # ========================================================================== @property def channel_nomenclature(self): return self._channel_nomenclature @channel_nomenclature.setter def channel_nomenclature(self, ch_dict): """ channel dictionary """ if not isinstance(ch_dict, dict): raise TypeError( "Channel_nomenclature must be a dictionary with keys " "['ex', 'ey', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz']." ) self._channel_nomenclature = ch_dict # unpack channel nomenclature dict self.ex = self._channel_nomenclature["ex"] self.ey = self._channel_nomenclature["ey"] self.hx = self._channel_nomenclature["hx"] self.hy = self._channel_nomenclature["hy"] self.hz = self._channel_nomenclature["hz"] self.ex_ey = [self.ex, self.ey] self.hx_hy = [self.hx, self.hy] self.ex_ey_hz = [self.ex, self.ey, self.hz] @property def _ch_input_dict(self): return { "impedance": self.hx_hy, "tipper": self.hx_hy, "impedance_error": self.hx_hy, "impedance_model_error": self.hx_hy, "tipper_error": self.hx_hy, "tipper_model_error": self.hx_hy, "isp": self.hx_hy, "res": self.ex_ey_hz, "tf": self.hx_hy, "tf_error": self.hx_hy, "all": [self.ex, self.ey, self.hz, self.hx, self.hy], } @property def _ch_output_dict(self): return { "impedance": self.ex_ey, "tipper": [self.hz], "impedance_error": self.ex_ey, "impedance_model_error": self.ex_ey, "tipper_error": [self.hz], "tipper_model_error": [self.hz], "isp": self.hx_hy, "res": self.ex_ey_hz, "tf": self.ex_ey_hz, "tf_error": self.ex_ey_hz, "all": [self.ex, self.ey, self.hz, self.hx, self.hy], } @property def index_zxx(self): return {"input": self.hx, "output": self.ex} @property def index_zxy(self): return {"input": self.hy, "output": self.ex} @property def index_zyx(self): return {"input": self.hx, "output": self.ey} @property def index_zyy(self): return {"input": self.hy, "output": self.ey} @property def index_tzx(self): return {"input": self.hx, "output": self.hz} @property def index_tzy(self): return {"input": self.hy, "output": self.hz} @property def fn(self): """reference to original data file""" return self._fn @fn.setter def fn(self, value): """set file name""" if value is None: self._fn = None return self._fn = Path(value) self.save_dir = self._fn.parent @property def latitude(self): """Latitude""" return self.station_metadata.location.latitude @latitude.setter def latitude(self, latitude): """ set latitude making sure the input is in decimal degrees upon setting utm coordinates are recalculated """ self.station_metadata.location.latitude = latitude @property def longitude(self): """Longitude""" return self.station_metadata.location.longitude @longitude.setter def longitude(self, longitude): """ set longitude making sure the input is in decimal degrees upon setting utm coordinates are recalculated """ self.station_metadata.location.longitude = longitude @property def elevation(self): """Elevation""" return self.station_metadata.location.elevation @elevation.setter def elevation(self, elevation): """ set elevation, should be input as meters """ self.station_metadata.location.elevation = elevation @property def dataset(self): """ This will return an xarray dataset with proper metadata :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) self._transfer_function.attrs[key] = value return self._transfer_function def _validate_input_ndarray(self, ndarray, atype="impedance"): """ Validate the input based on array type and component :param atype: DESCRIPTION, defaults to "impedance" :type atype: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ shape_dict = { "impedance": (2, 2), "tipper": (1, 2), "impedance_error": (2, 2), "impedance_model_error": (2, 2), "tipper_error": (1, 2), "tipper_model_error": (1, 2), "isp": (2, 2), "res": (3, 3), "transfer_function": (3, 2), "transfer_function_error": (3, 2), "tf": (3, 2), "tf_error": (3, 2), } shape = shape_dict[atype] if ndarray.shape[1:] != shape: msg = ( f"{atype} must be have shape (n_periods, {shape[0]}, " f"{shape[1]}), not {ndarray.shape}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TFError(msg) if ndarray.shape[0] != self.period.size: msg = ( f"New {atype} shape {ndarray.shape} not same as old {shape}, " "suggest creating a new instance." ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TFError(msg) def _validate_input_dataarray(self, da, atype="impedance"): """ Validate an input data array :param da: DESCRIPTION :type da: TYPE :param atype: DESCRIPTION, defaults to "impedance" :type atype: TYPE, optional :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ ch_in = self._ch_input_dict[atype] ch_out = self._ch_output_dict[atype] # should test for shape if "period" not in da.coords.keys() or "input" not in da.coords.keys(): msg = f"Coordinates must be period, output, input, not {list(da.coords.keys())}" self.logger.error( msg, ) raise TFError(msg) if sorted(ch_out) != sorted(da.coords["output"].data.tolist()): msg = ( f"Output dimensions must be {ch_out} not " f"{da.coords['output'].data.tolist()}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TFError(msg) if sorted(ch_in) != sorted(da.coords["input"].data.tolist()): msg = ( f"Input dimensions must be {ch_in} not " f"{da.coords['input'].data.tolist()}" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TFError(msg) # need to reorder the data array to the expected coordinates da = da.reindex(output=ch_out, input=ch_in) # if this is the first instantiation then just resize the # transfer function to fit the input if ([0] == 1 and not self.has_tipper() and not self.has_impedance() ): self._transfer_function = self._initialize_transfer_function( da.period ) return da elif ([0] ==[0] ): return da else: msg = "Reassigning with a different shape is dangerous. Should re-initialize transfer_function or make a new instance of TF" self.logger.error(msg) raise TFError(msg) def _set_data_array(self, value, atype): """ :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :param atype: DESCRIPTION :type atype: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if value is None: return key_dict = { "tf": "transfer_function", "impedance": "transfer_function", "tipper": "transfer_function", "isp": "inverse_signal_power", "res": "residual_covariance", "transfer_function": "transfer_function", "impedance_error": "transfer_function_error", "impedance_model_error": "transfer_function_model_error", "tipper_error": "transfer_function_error", "tipper_model_error": "transfer_function_model_error", "tf_error": "transfer_function_error", "tf_model_error": "transfer_function_model_error", "transfer_function_error": "transfer_function_error", "transfer_function_model_error": "transfer_function_model_error", } key = key_dict[atype] ch_in = self._ch_input_dict[atype] ch_out = self._ch_output_dict[atype] comps = dict(input=ch_in, output=ch_out) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): value = np.array(value) self._validate_input_ndarray(value, atype=atype) self._transfer_function[key].loc[comps] = value elif isinstance(value, xr.DataArray): nda = self._validate_input_dataarray(value, atype=atype) self._transfer_function[key].loc[comps] = nda else: msg = ( f"Data type {type(value)} not supported use a numpy " "array or xarray.DataArray" ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TFError(msg)
[docs] def has_transfer_function(self): """ Check to see if the transfer function is not 0 and has transfer function components :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ outputs = self._transfer_function.transfer_function.coords[ "output" ].data.tolist() if self.ex in outputs or self.ey in outputs or self.hz in outputs: if np.all( self._transfer_function.transfer_function.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["tf"], output=self._ch_output_dict["tf"], ).data == 0 ): return False return True return False
@property def transfer_function(self): """ :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.has_transfer_function(): ds = self.dataset.transfer_function.sel( input=self.hx_hy, output=self.ex_ey_hz ) for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) ds.attrs[key] = value return ds @transfer_function.setter def transfer_function(self, value): """ Set the impedance from values :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "tf") @property def transfer_function_error(self): """ :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.has_transfer_function(): ds = self.dataset.transfer_function_error.sel( input=self.hx_hy, output=self.ex_ey_hz ) for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) ds.attrs[key] = value return ds @transfer_function_error.setter def transfer_function_error(self, value): """ Set the impedance from values :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "tf_error") @property def transfer_function_model_error(self): """ :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.has_transfer_function(): ds = self.dataset.transfer_function_model_error.sel( input=self.hx_hy, output=self.ex_ey_hz ) for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) ds.attrs[key] = value return ds @transfer_function_model_error.setter def transfer_function_model_error(self, value): """ Set the impedance from values :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "tf_model_error")
[docs] def has_impedance(self): """ Check to see if the transfer function is not 0 and has transfer function components :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ outputs = self._transfer_function.transfer_function.coords[ "output" ].data.tolist() if self.ex in outputs or self.ey in outputs: if np.all( self._transfer_function.transfer_function.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["impedance"], output=self._ch_output_dict["impedance"], ).data == 0 ): return False return True return False
@property def impedance(self): """ :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.has_impedance(): z = self.dataset.transfer_function.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["impedance"], output=self._ch_output_dict["impedance"], ) = "impedance" for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) z.attrs[key] = value return z @impedance.setter def impedance(self, value): """ Set the impedance from values :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "impedance") @property def impedance_error(self): """ :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.has_impedance(): z_err = self.dataset.transfer_function_error.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["impedance"], output=self._ch_output_dict["impedance"], ) = "impedance_error" for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) z_err.attrs[key] = value return z_err @impedance_error.setter def impedance_error(self, value): """ Set the impedance from values :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "impedance_error") @property def impedance_model_error(self): """ :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.has_impedance(): z_err = self.dataset.transfer_function_model_error.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["impedance"], output=self._ch_output_dict["impedance"], ) = "impedance_model_error" for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) z_err.attrs[key] = value return z_err @impedance_model_error.setter def impedance_model_error(self, value): """ Set the impedance model errors from values :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "impedance_model_error")
[docs] def has_tipper(self): """ Check to see if the transfer function is not 0 and has transfer function components :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ outputs = self._transfer_function.transfer_function.coords[ "output" ].data.tolist() if self.hz in outputs: if np.all( np.nan_to_num( self._transfer_function.transfer_function.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["tipper"], output=self._ch_output_dict["tipper"], ).data ) == 0 ): return False return True return False
@property def tipper(self): """ :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.has_tipper(): t = self.dataset.transfer_function.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["tipper"], output=self._ch_output_dict["tipper"], ) = "tipper" for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) t.attrs[key] = value return t @tipper.setter def tipper(self, value): """ :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "tipper") @property def tipper_error(self): """ :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.has_tipper(): t = self.dataset.transfer_function_error.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["tipper"], output=self._ch_output_dict["tipper"], ) = "tipper_error" for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) t.attrs[key] = value return t @tipper_error.setter def tipper_error(self, value): """ :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "tipper_error") @property def tipper_model_error(self): """ :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if self.has_tipper(): t = self.dataset.transfer_function_model_error.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["tipper"], output=self._ch_output_dict["tipper"], ) = "tipper_model_error" for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) t.attrs[key] = value return t @tipper_model_error.setter def tipper_model_error(self, value): """ :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "tipper_model_error")
[docs] def has_inverse_signal_power(self): """ Check to see if the transfer function is not 0 and has transfer function components :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if np.all( self._transfer_function.inverse_signal_power.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["isp"], output=self._ch_output_dict["isp"], ).data == 0 ): return False return True
@property def inverse_signal_power(self): if self.has_inverse_signal_power(): ds = self.dataset.inverse_signal_power.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["isp"], output=self._ch_output_dict["isp"], ) for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) ds.attrs[key] = value return ds return None @inverse_signal_power.setter def inverse_signal_power(self, value): """ Set the inverse signal power :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "isp") if self.has_residual_covariance(): self._compute_error_from_covariance()
[docs] def has_residual_covariance(self): """ Check to see if the transfer function is not 0 and has transfer function components :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ if np.all( self._transfer_function.residual_covariance.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["res"], output=self._ch_output_dict["res"], ).data == 0 ): return False return True
@property def residual_covariance(self): if self.has_residual_covariance(): ds = self.dataset.residual_covariance.sel( input=self._ch_input_dict["res"], output=self._ch_output_dict["res"], ) for key, mkey in self._dataset_attr_dict.items(): obj, attr = mkey.split(".", 1) value = getattr(self, obj).get_attr_from_name(attr) ds.attrs[key] = value return ds return None @residual_covariance.setter def residual_covariance(self, value): """ Set the residual covariance :param value: DESCRIPTION :type value: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._set_data_array(value, "res") if self.has_inverse_signal_power(): self._compute_error_from_covariance() def _compute_impedance_error_from_covariance(self): """ Compute transfer function errors from covariance matrices This will become important when writing edi files. Translated from code written by Ben Murphy. :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ sigma_e = self.residual_covariance.loc[ dict(input=self.ex_ey, output=self.ex_ey) ] sigma_s = self.inverse_signal_power.loc[ dict(input=self.hx_hy, output=self.hx_hy) ] z_err = np.zeros((self.period.size, 2, 2), dtype=float) z_err[:, 0, 0] = np.abs( sigma_e.loc[dict(input=[self.ex], output=[self.ex])].data.flatten() * sigma_s.loc[ dict(input=[self.hx], output=[self.hx]) ].data.flatten() ) z_err[:, 0, 1] = np.abs( sigma_e.loc[dict(input=[self.ex], output=[self.ex])].data.flatten() * sigma_s.loc[ dict(input=[self.hy], output=[self.hy]) ].data.flatten() ) z_err[:, 1, 0] = np.abs( sigma_e.loc[dict(input=[self.ey], output=[self.ey])].data.flatten() * sigma_s.loc[ dict(input=[self.hx], output=[self.hx]) ].data.flatten() ) z_err[:, 1, 1] = np.abs( sigma_e.loc[dict(input=[self.ey], output=[self.ey])].data.flatten() * sigma_s.loc[ dict(input=[self.hy], output=[self.hy]) ].data.flatten() ) z_err = np.sqrt(np.abs(z_err)) self.dataset.transfer_function_error.loc[ dict(input=self.hx_hy, output=self.ex_ey) ] = z_err def _compute_tipper_error_from_covariance(self): """ Compute transfer function errors from covariance matrices This will become important when writing edi files. Translated from code written by Ben Murphy. :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ sigma_e = self.residual_covariance.loc[ dict(input=[self.hz], output=[self.hz]) ] sigma_s = self.inverse_signal_power.loc[ dict(input=self.hx_hy, output=self.hx_hy) ] t_err = np.zeros((self.period.size, 1, 2), dtype=float) t_err[:, 0, 0] = np.abs( sigma_e.loc[dict(input=[self.hz], output=[self.hz])].data.flatten() * sigma_s.loc[ dict(input=[self.hx], output=[self.hx]) ].data.flatten() ) t_err[:, 0, 1] = np.abs( sigma_e.loc[dict(input=[self.hz], output=[self.hz])].data.flatten() * sigma_s.loc[ dict(input=[self.hy], output=[self.hy]) ].data.flatten() ) t_err = np.sqrt(np.abs(t_err)) self.dataset.transfer_function_error.loc[ dict(input=self.hx_hy, output=[self.hz]) ] = t_err def _compute_error_from_covariance(self): """ convenience method to compute errors from covariance :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ self._compute_impedance_error_from_covariance() self._compute_tipper_error_from_covariance() @property def period(self): return @period.setter def period(self, value): if self.period is not None: if len(self.period) == 1 and (self.period == np.array([1])).all(): self._transfer_function = self._initialize_transfer_function( periods=value ) elif len(value) != len(self.period): msg = ( f"New period size {value.size} is not the same size as " f"old ones {self.period.size}, suggest creating a new " "instance of TF." ) self.logger.error(msg) raise TFError(msg) elif not (self.period == value).all(): self.dataset["period"] = value else: self._transfer_function = self._initialize_transfer_function( periods=value ) return @property def frequency(self): if self.period is not None: return 1.0 / self.period return None @frequency.setter def frequency(self, value): self.period = 1.0 / value @property def station(self): """station name""" return @station.setter def station(self, station_name): """ set station name """ = validate_name(station_name) if self.station_metadata.runs[0].id is None: r = self.station_metadata.runs[0].copy() = f"{}a" self.station_metadata.runs.remove(None) self.station_metadata.runs.append(r) @property def survey(self): """ Survey ID """ return @survey.setter def survey(self, survey_id): """ set survey id """ if survey_id is None: survey_id = "unkown_survey" = validate_name(survey_id) @property def tf_id(self): """transfer function id""" return @tf_id.setter def tf_id(self, value): """set transfer function id""" = validate_name(value)
[docs] def to_ts_station_metadata(self): """ need a convinience function to translate to ts station metadata for MTH5 """ from mt_metadata.timeseries import Station as TSStation ts_station_metadata = TSStation() for key, value in self.station_metadata.to_dict(single=True).items(): if "transfer_function" in key: continue try: ts_station_metadata.set_attr_from_name(key, value) except AttributeError: self.logger.debug(f"Attribute {key} could not be set.") return ts_station_metadata
[docs] def from_ts_station_metadata(self, ts_station_metadata): """ need a convinience function to translate to ts station metadata for MTH5 """ for key, value in ts_station_metadata.to_dict(single=True).items(): try: self.station_metadata.set_attr_from_name(key, value) except AttributeError: continue
[docs] def merge(self, other, period_min=None, period_max=None, inplace=False): """ metadata will be assumed to be from self. Merge transfer functions together. `other` can be another `TF` object or a tuple of `TF` objects to set bounds should be of the format [{"tf": tf_01, "period_min": .01, "period_max": 100}, {"tf": tf_02, "period_min": 100, "period_max": 1000}] or to just use whats in the transfer function [tf_01, tf_02, ...] The bounds are inclusive, so if you want to merge at say 1 s choose the best one and set the other to a value lower or higher depending on the periods for that transfer function, for example [{"tf": tf_01, "period_min": .01, "period_max": 100}, {"tf": tf_02, "period_min": 100.1, "period_max": 1000}] :param other: other transfer functions to merge with :type other: TF, list of dicts, list of TF objects, dict :param period_min: minimum period for the original TF :type period_min: float :param period_max: maximum period for the original TF :type period_max: float :return: merged TF object with metadata equal to the original (if inplace=False) :rtype: TF """ def get_slice_dict(period_min, period_max): """ Get an the correct dictionary for slicing an xarray. :param period_min: minimum period :type period_min: float :param period_max: maximum period :type period_max: float :return: variable to slice an xarray :rtype: dict """ return {"period": slice(period_min, period_max)} def sort_by_period(tf): """ period needs to be monotonically increasing for slice to work. """ return tf.sortby("period") def is_tf(item): """ If the item is a transfer function return it sorted by period :param item: transfer function :type item: :class:`mt_metadata.transfer_function.core.TF` :return: sorted by period transfer function :rtype: xarray.Dataset """ return sort_by_period(item._transfer_function) def validate_dict(item): """ Make sure input dictionary has proper keys. - **tf** :class:`mt_metadata.transfer_function.core.TF` - **period_min** minumum period (s) - **period_max** maximum period (s) :param item: dictionary to slice a transfer function :type item: dict :raises KeyError: If keys are not what they should be :return: validated dictionary :rtype: dict """ accepted_keys = sorted(["tf", "period_min", "period_max"]) if accepted_keys != sorted(list(item.keys())): msg = f"Input dictionary must have keys of {accepted_keys}" self.logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) return item def is_dict(item): """ If the item is a dictionary then be sure to sort the transfer function and then apply the slice. :param item: dictionary with keys 'tf', 'period_min', 'period_max' :type item: dict :return: sliced transfer function :rtype: xarray.Dataset """ item = validate_dict(item) period_slice = get_slice_dict( item["period_min"], item["period_max"] ) item["tf"]._transfer_function = sort_by_period( item["tf"]._transfer_function ) return get_slice(item["tf"], period_slice) def get_slice(tf, period_slice): """ get slice of a transfer function most of the time we can use .loc but sometimes a key error occurs if the period index is not monotonic (which is should be now after using .sortby('period')), but leaving in place just in case. If .loc does not work, then we can use .where(conditions) to slice the transfer function. """ try: return tf._transfer_function.loc[period_slice] except KeyError: if ( period_slice["period"].start is not None and period_slice["period"].stop is not None ): return tf._transfer_function.where( ( tf._transfer_function.period >= period_slice["period"].start ) & ( tf._transfer_function.period <= period_slice["period"].stop ), drop=True, ) elif ( period_slice["period"].start is None and period_slice["period"].stop is not None ): return tf._transfer_function.where( ( tf._transfer_function.period <= period_slice["period"].stop ), drop=True, ) elif ( period_slice["period"].start is not None and period_slice["period"].stop is None ): return tf._transfer_function.where( ( tf._transfer_function.period >= period_slice["period"].start ), drop=True, ) period_slice_self = get_slice_dict(period_min, period_max) tf_list = [get_slice(self, period_slice_self)] if not isinstance(other, list): other = [other] for item in other: if isinstance(item, TF): tf_list.append(is_tf(item)) elif isinstance(item, dict): tf_list.append(is_dict(item)) else: msg = f"Type {type(item)} not supported" self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) new_tf = xr.combine_by_coords(tf_list, combine_attrs="override") if inplace: self._transfer_function = new_tf else: return_tf = self.copy() return_tf._transfer_function = new_tf return return_tf
[docs] def write( self, fn=None, save_dir=None, fn_basename=None, file_type="edi", **kwargs, ): """ Write an mt file, the supported file types are EDI and XML. .. todo:: j-files and avg files :param fn: full path to file to save to :type fn: :class:`pathlib.Path` or string :param save_dir: full path save directory :type save_dir: string :param fn_basename: name of file with or without extension :type fn_basename: string :param file_type: [ 'edi' | 'xml' | "zmm" ] :type file_type: string keyword arguments include :param longitude_format: whether to write longitude as longitude or LONG. options are 'longitude' or 'LONG', default 'longitude' :type longitude_format: string :param latlon_format: format of latitude and longitude in output edi, degrees minutes seconds ('dms') or decimal degrees ('dd') :type latlon_format: string :returns: full path to file :rtype: string :Example: :: >>> tf_obj.write(file_type='xml') """ if fn is not None: new_fn = Path(fn) self.save_dir = new_fn.parent fn_basename = file_type = new_fn.suffix.lower()[1:] if save_dir is not None: self.save_dir = Path(save_dir) if fn_basename is not None: fn_basename = Path(fn_basename) if fn_basename.suffix in ["", None]: fn_basename = fn_basename.with_name( f"{}.{file_type}" ) if fn_basename is None: fn_basename = Path(f"{self.station}.{file_type}") if file_type is None: file_type = fn_basename.suffix.lower()[1:] if file_type not in self._read_write_dict.keys(): msg = f"File type {file_type} not supported yet." self.logger.error(msg) raise TFError(msg) fn = self.save_dir.joinpath(fn_basename) obj = self._read_write_dict[file_type]["write"]() obj._fn = fn obj.write(fn, **kwargs) return obj
[docs] def write_tf_file(self, **kwargs): self.logger.error("'write_tf_file' has been deprecated use 'write()'")
[docs] def read_tf_file(self, **kwargs): self.logger.error("'read_tf_file' has been deprecated use 'read()'")
[docs] def read(self, fn=None, file_type=None, get_elevation=False, **kwargs): """ Read an TF response file. .. note:: Currently only .edi, .xml, .j, .zmm/rr/ss, .avg files are supported :param fn: full path to input file :type fn: string :param file_type: ['edi' | 'j' | 'xml' | 'avg' | 'zmm' | 'zrr' | 'zss' | ... ] if None, automatically detects file type by the extension. :type file_type: string :param get_elevation: Get elevation from US National Map DEM :type get_elevation: bool :Example: :: >>> import mt_metadata.transfer_functions import TF >>> tf_obj = TF() >>>"/home/mt/mt01.xml") .. note:: If your internet is slow try setting 'get_elevation' = False, It can get hooked in a slow loop and slow down reading. """ if fn is not None: self.fn = fn self.save_dir = self.fn.parent if file_type is None: file_type = self.fn.suffix.lower()[1:] self._read_write_dict[file_type]["read"]( self.fn, get_elevation=get_elevation, **kwargs ) self.station_metadata.update_time_period() self.survey_metadata.update_bounding_box() self.survey_metadata.update_time_period()
[docs] def to_edi(self): """ Convert the TF object to a :class:`` object. From there attributes of an EDI object can be manipulated previous to writing to a file. :return: EDI object :rtype: :class:`` >>> from mt_metadata.transfer_functions import TF >>> from mt_metadata import TF_XML >>> t = TF(TF_XML) >>> >>> edi_object = t.to_edi() >>> edi_object.Header.acqby = "me" >>> edi_object.write() """ edi_obj = EDI() if self.has_impedance(): edi_obj.z = edi_obj.z_err = if self.has_tipper(): edi_obj.t = edi_obj.t_err = edi_obj.frequency = 1.0 / self.period edi_obj.rotation_angle = np.repeat( self._rotation_angle, self.period.size ) # fill from survey metadata edi_obj.survey_metadata = self.survey_metadata # fill from station metadata edi_obj.station_metadata = self.station_metadata edi_obj.Info.read_info(edi_obj.Info.write_info()) # input data section edi_obj.Data.data_type = self.station_metadata.data_type edi_obj.Data.nfreq = self.period.size edi_obj.Data.sectid = self.station edi_obj.Data.nchan = len(edi_obj.Measurement.channel_ids.keys()) edi_obj.Data.maxblks = 999 for comp in ["ex", "ey", "hx", "hy", "hz", "rrhx", "rrhy"]: if hasattr(edi_obj.Measurement, f"meas_{comp}"): setattr( edi_obj.Data, comp, getattr(edi_obj.Measurement, f"meas_{comp}").id, ) edi_obj.Data.read_data(edi_obj.Data.write_data()) edi_obj.Measurement.read_measurement( edi_obj.Measurement.write_measurement() ) return edi_obj
[docs] def from_edi(self, edi_obj, get_elevation=False, **kwargs): """ Read in an EDI file or a :class:`` ojbect :param edi_obj: path to edi file or EDI object :type edi_obj: str, :class:`pathlib.Path`, :class:`` :param get_elevation: Try to get elevation from US National Map, defaults to True :type get_elevation: bool :param kwargs: Key word arguments for an EDI object :type kwargs: dictionary :raises TypeError: If input is incorrect """ if isinstance(edi_obj, (str, Path)): self._fn = Path(edi_obj) edi_obj = EDI(**kwargs), get_elevation=get_elevation) if not isinstance(edi_obj, EDI): raise TypeError(f"Input must be a EDI object not {type(edi_obj)}") if is not None and[1:] == (3, 2): k_dict = OrderedDict( { "period": "period", "transfer_function": "tf", "inverse_signal_power": "signal_inverse_power", "residual_covariance": "residual_covariance", "transfer_function_error": "tf_err", "survey_metadata": "survey_metadata", "station_metadata": "station_metadata", } ) else: k_dict = OrderedDict( { "period": "period", "impedance": "z", "impedance_error": "z_err", "tipper": "t", "tipper_error": "t_err", "survey_metadata": "survey_metadata", "station_metadata": "station_metadata", } ) for tf_key, edi_key in k_dict.items(): setattr(self, tf_key, getattr(edi_obj, edi_key))
[docs] def to_emtfxml(self): """ Convert TF to a :class:`` object. :return: EMTFXML object :rtype: :class:`` >>> from mt_metadata.transfer_functions import TF >>> from mt_metadata import TF_XML >>> t = TF(TF_XML) >>> >>> xml_object = t.to_emtfxml() >>> = "Here" >>> xml_object.write() """ emtf = EMTFXML() emtf.survey_metadata = self.survey_metadata emtf.station_metadata = self.station_metadata if emtf.description is None: emtf.description = "Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions" if emtf.product_id is None: emtf.product_id = ( f"{emtf.survey_metadata.project}." f"{}." f"{emtf.station_metadata.time_period._start_dt.year}" ) tags = [] = self.period if self.has_impedance(): tags += ["impedance"] = =**2 if self.has_residual_covariance() and self.has_inverse_signal_power(): = self.inverse_signal_power.loc[ dict(input=self.hx_hy, output=self.hx_hy) ].data = self.residual_covariance.loc[ dict(input=self.ex_ey, output=self.ex_ey) ].data if self.has_tipper(): tags += ["tipper"] = =**2 if self.has_residual_covariance() and self.has_inverse_signal_power(): = self.inverse_signal_power.loc[ dict(input=self.hx_hy, output=self.hx_hy) ].data = self.residual_covariance.loc[ dict( input=[self.channel_nomenclature["hz"]], output=[self.channel_nomenclature["hz"]], ) ].data emtf.tags = ", ".join(tags) emtf.period_range.min = emtf.period_range.max = emtf._get_data_types() emtf._get_statistical_estimates() return emtf
[docs] def from_emtfxml(self, emtfxml_obj, get_elevation=False, **kwargs): """ :param emtfxml_object: path to emtf xml file or EMTFXML object :type emtfxml_object: str, :class:`pathlib.Path`, :class:`` :param get_elevation: Try to get elevation from US National Map, defaults to True :type get_elevation: bool :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for EMTFXML object :type kwargs: dictionary """ if isinstance(emtfxml_obj, (str, Path)): self._fn = Path(emtfxml_obj) emtfxml_obj = EMTFXML(**kwargs), get_elevation=get_elevation) if not isinstance(emtfxml_obj, EMTFXML): raise TypeError( f"Input must be a EMTFXML object not {type(emtfxml_obj)}" ) self.survey_metadata = emtfxml_obj.survey_metadata self.station_metadata = emtfxml_obj.station_metadata self.period = self.impedance = self.impedance_error = np.sqrt( self._transfer_function.inverse_signal_power.loc[ dict(input=["hx", "hy"], output=["hx", "hy"]) ] = self._transfer_function.residual_covariance.loc[ dict(input=["ex", "ey"], output=["ex", "ey"]) ] = self.tipper = self.tipper_error = np.sqrt( self._transfer_function.inverse_signal_power.loc[ dict(input=["hx", "hy"], output=["hx", "hy"]) ] = self._transfer_function.residual_covariance.loc[ dict(input=["hz"], output=["hz"]) ] =
[docs] def to_jfile(self): """ Translate TF object ot JFile object. .. note:: Not Implemented yet :return: JFile object :rtype: :class:`` """ raise IOError("to_jfile not implemented yet.")
[docs] def from_jfile(self, j_obj, get_elevation=False, **kwargs): """ :param jfile_obj: path ot .j file or JFile object :type jfile_obj: str, :class:`pathlib.Path`, :class:`` :param get_elevation: Try to get elevation from US National Map, defaults to True :type get_elevation: bool :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for JFile object :type kwargs: dictionary """ if isinstance(j_obj, (str, Path)): self._fn = Path(j_obj) j_obj = JFile(**kwargs), get_elevation=get_elevation) if not isinstance(j_obj, JFile): raise TypeError(f"Input must be a JFile object not {type(j_obj)}") k_dict = OrderedDict( { "period": "periods", "impedance": "z", "impedance_error": "z_err", "tipper": "t", "tipper_error": "t_err", "survey_metadata": "survey_metadata", "station_metadata": "station_metadata", } ) for tf_key, j_key in k_dict.items(): setattr(self, tf_key, getattr(j_obj, j_key))
[docs] def make_zmm_run(self, zmm_obj, number_dict): """ Helper function to provide a run for a zmm object to aid writing z-file Parameters ---------- :param zmm_obj: a ZMM that will be written to file, that needs a run associated :type zmm_obj: :class: `` :param number_dict: mapping between hexy keys and integers, needed for emtf z-files, e.g. {"hx": 1, "hy": 2, "hz": 3, "ex": 4, "ey": 5} :type number_dict: dictionary :return: run :rtype: :class:`` """ run = Run() for ch, ch_num in number_dict.items(): c = ZChannel() = ch c.number = ch_num setattr(zmm_obj,, c) if ch in ["ex", "ey"]: rc = Electric(component=ch, channel_number=ch_num) run.add_channel(rc) elif ch in ["hx", "hy", "hz"]: rc = Magnetic(component=ch, channel_number=ch_num) run.add_channel(rc) return run
[docs] def to_zmm(self): """ Translate TF object to ZMM object. :return: ZMM object :rtype: :class:`` >>> from mt_metadata.transfer_functions import TF >>> from mt_metadata import TF_XML >>> t = TF(TF_XML) >>> >>> zmm_object = t.to_zmm() >>> zmm_object.processing_type = "new and fancy" >>> zmm_object.write() """ zmm_kwargs = {} zmm_kwargs["channel_nomenclature"] = self.channel_nomenclature zmm_kwargs[ "inverse_channel_nomenclature" ] = self.inverse_channel_nomenclature if hasattr(self, "decimation_dict"): zmm_kwargs["decimation_dict"] = self.decimation_dict zmm_obj = ZMM(**zmm_kwargs) zmm_obj.dataset = self.dataset zmm_obj.station_metadata = self.station_metadata # need to set the channel numbers according to the z-file format # with input channels (h's) and output channels (hz, e's). if self.has_tipper(): if self.has_impedance(): zmm_obj.num_channels = 5 number_dict = {"hx": 1, "hy": 2, "hz": 3, "ex": 4, "ey": 5} else: zmm_obj.num_channels = 3 number_dict = {"hx": 1, "hy": 2, "hz": 3} else: if self.has_impedance(): zmm_obj.num_channels = 4 number_dict = {"hx": 1, "hy": 2, "ex": 3, "ey": 4} if len(self.station_metadata.runs) == 0: run = self.make_zmm_run(zmm_obj, number_dict) self.station_metadata.add_run(run) elif len(self.station_metadata.runs[0].channels_recorded_all) == 0: # avoid the default metadata getting interpretted as a real metadata object # Overwrite this "spoof" run with a run that has recorded channels if len(self.station_metadata.runs[0].channels_recorded_all) == 0: run = self.make_zmm_run(zmm_obj, number_dict) self.station_metadata.runs[0] = run else: for comp in self.station_metadata.runs[0].channels_recorded_all: if "rr" in comp: continue ch = self.station_metadata.runs[0].get_channel(comp) ch.component = self.inverse_channel_nomenclature[comp] c = ZChannel() c.from_dict(ch.to_dict(single=True)) ch.component = comp try: c.number = number_dict[] setattr(zmm_obj,, c) except KeyError: self.logger.debug(f"Could not find channel {}") zmm_obj.survey_metadata.update(self.survey_metadata) zmm_obj.num_freq = self.period.size return zmm_obj
[docs] def from_zmm(self, zmm_obj, get_elevation=False, **kwargs): """ :param zmm_obj: path ot .zmm file or ZMM object :type zmm_obj: str, :class:`pathlib.Path`, :class:`` :param get_elevation: Try to get elevation from US National Map, defaults to True :type get_elevation: bool :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for ZMM object :type kwargs: dictionary """ if isinstance(zmm_obj, (str, Path)): self._fn = Path(zmm_obj) zmm_obj = ZMM(**kwargs), get_elevation=get_elevation) if not isinstance(zmm_obj, ZMM): raise TypeError(f"Input must be a ZMM object not {type(zmm_obj)}") self.decimation_dict = zmm_obj.decimation_dict k_dict = OrderedDict( { "survey_metadata": "survey_metadata", "station_metadata": "station_metadata", "period": "periods", } ) for tf_key, j_key in k_dict.items(): setattr(self, tf_key, getattr(zmm_obj, j_key)) self._transfer_function["transfer_function"].loc[ dict(input=zmm_obj.input_channels, output=zmm_obj.output_channels) ] = zmm_obj.dataset.transfer_function.sel( input=zmm_obj.input_channels, output=zmm_obj.output_channels ) self._transfer_function["inverse_signal_power"].loc[ dict(input=zmm_obj.input_channels, output=zmm_obj.input_channels) ] = zmm_obj.dataset.inverse_signal_power.sel( input=zmm_obj.input_channels, output=zmm_obj.input_channels ) self._transfer_function["residual_covariance"].loc[ dict(input=zmm_obj.output_channels, output=zmm_obj.output_channels) ] = zmm_obj.dataset.residual_covariance.sel( input=zmm_obj.output_channels, output=zmm_obj.output_channels ) self._compute_error_from_covariance() self._rotation_angle = -1 * zmm_obj.declination
[docs] def to_zrr(self): """ Translate TF object to ZMM object. :return: ZMM object :rtype: :class:`` >>> from mt_metadata.transfer_functions import TF >>> from mt_metadata import TF_XML >>> t = TF(TF_XML) >>> >>> zmm_object = t.to_zmm() >>> zmm_object.processing_type = "new and fancy" >>> zmm_object.write() """ return self.to_zmm()
[docs] def from_zrr(self, zrr_obj, get_elevation=False, **kwargs): """ :param zmm_obj: path ot .zmm file or ZMM object :type zmm_obj: str, :calss:`pathlib.Path`, :class:`` :param get_elevation: Try to get elevation from US National Map, defaults to True :type get_elevation: bool :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for ZMM object :type kwargs: dictionary """ self.from_zmm(zrr_obj, get_elevation=get_elevation, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_zss(self): """ Translate TF object to ZMM object. :return: ZMM object :rtype: :class:`` >>> from mt_metadata.transfer_functions import TF >>> from mt_metadata import TF_XML >>> t = TF(TF_XML) >>> >>> zmm_object = t.to_zmm() >>> zmm_object.processing_type = "new and fancy" >>> zmm_object.write() """ return self.to_zmm()
[docs] def from_zss(self, zss_obj, get_elevation=False, **kwargs): """ :param zmm_obj: path to .zmm file or ZMM object :type zmm_obj: str, :class:`pathlib.Path`, :class:`` :param get_elevation: Try to get elevation from US National Map, defaults to True :type get_elevation: bool :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for ZMM object :type kwargs: dictionary """ self.from_zmm(zss_obj, get_elevation=get_elevation, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_avg(self): """ Translate TF object to ZongeMTAvg object. .. note:: Not Implemented yet :return: ZongeMTAvg object :rtype: :class:`` """ raise AttributeError("to_avg does not exist yet.")
[docs] def from_avg(self, avg_obj, get_elevation=False, **kwargs): """ :param avg_obj: path to .avg file or ZongeMTAvg object :type avg_obj: str, :class:`pathlib.Path`, :class:`` :param get_elevation: Try to get elevation from US National Map, defaults to True :type get_elevation: bool :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for ZongeMTAvg object :type kwargs: dictionary """ if isinstance(avg_obj, (str, Path)): self._fn = Path(avg_obj) avg_obj = ZongeMTAvg(**kwargs), get_elevation=get_elevation) if not isinstance(avg_obj, ZongeMTAvg): raise TypeError(f"Input must be a ZMM object not {type(avg_obj)}") self.survey_metadata = avg_obj.survey_metadata self.station_metadata = avg_obj.station_metadata self.period = 1.0 / avg_obj.frequency self.impedance = avg_obj.z self.impedance_error = avg_obj.z_err if avg_obj.t is not None: self.tipper = avg_obj.t self.tipper_error = avg_obj.t_err
# ============================================================================== # Error # ==============================================================================
[docs]class TFError(Exception): pass pass