Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Oct  7 16:31:55 2021

@author: jpeacock

# =============================================================================
# Imports
# =============================================================================
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from xml.etree import cElementTree as et

from mt_metadata.timeseries import (

from mt_metadata.timeseries.filters import (
from mt_metadata.timeseries.stationxml import XMLInventoryMTExperiment

# =============================================================================
# Useful Class
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[docs]class MT2StationXML(XMLInventoryMTExperiment): """ A class to convert multiple MT xml files into a stationXML (MTML) This is for a use case of A. Kelbert who places each level of metadata into a single XML file. This class collects all those files and puts them into the proper order. She has the files named as follows survey.xml --> Survey metadata `mt_metadata.timeseries.Survey` filters.xml --> All filters station.xml --> Station metadata `mt_metadata.timeseries.Station` --> Run metadata `mt_metadata.timeseries.Run` --> Channel metadata `mt_metadata.timeseries.Channel` """ def __init__(self, xml_path=None): self.xml_path = xml_path super().__init__() @property def xml_path(self): return self._xml_path @xml_path.setter def xml_path(self, value): if value is None: self._xml_path = None else: self._xml_path = Path(value) self.make_df()
[docs] def has_xml_path(self): if self.xml_path is not None and self.xml_path.exists(): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_a_filter_xml(fn): return fn.stem in ["filters", "_filters"]
[docs] @staticmethod def is_a_survey_xml(fn): return fn.stem in ["survey", "_survey"]
[docs] @staticmethod def is_a_station_xml(fn): if fn.stem not in ["filters", "_filters", "_survey", "survey"]: return fn.stem.count(".") == 0 return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_a_run_xml(fn): return fn.stem.count(".") == 1
[docs] @staticmethod def is_a_channel_xml(fn): return fn.stem.count(".") > 1
[docs] def get_xml_files(self) -> list: """ Get all mtml xml files for a given station. """ if self.has_xml_path(): return list(self.xml_path.rglob("*.xml")) raise ValueError("self.xml_path must be set")
[docs] def make_df(self): """ Make a pandas data frame for easier querying :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ df_dict = { "fn": [], "station": [], "run": [], "is_station": [], "is_run": [], "is_channel": [], "is_filters": [], "is_survey": [], } for fn in self.get_xml_files(): df_dict["fn"].append(fn) df_dict["station"].append(fn.stem.split(".")[0]) if self.is_a_run_xml(fn) or self.is_a_channel_xml(fn): df_dict["run"].append(fn.stem.split(".")[1]) else: df_dict["run"].append(None) df_dict["is_station"].append(self.is_a_station_xml(fn)) df_dict["is_run"].append(self.is_a_run_xml(fn)) df_dict["is_channel"].append(self.is_a_channel_xml(fn)) df_dict["is_filters"].append(self.is_a_filter_xml(fn)) df_dict["is_survey"].append(self.is_a_survey_xml(fn)) self.df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict)
@property def stations(self): if self.has_xml_path(): return list(self.df[self.df.is_station == True].station) return None @property def survey(self): if self.has_xml_path(): return self.df[self.df.is_survey == True].fn.values[0] return None @property def filters(self): if self.has_xml_path(): return self.df[self.df.is_filters == True].fn.values[0] return None def _get_runs(self, station): """ Get runs from the dataframe for a given station :param station: DESCRIPTION :type station: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ return self.df[ (self.df.station == station) & (self.df.is_run == True) ].sort_values("run") def _get_channels(self, station, run, order=["hx", "hy", "hz", "ex", "ey"]): """ Get runs from the dataframe for a given station :param station: DESCRIPTION :type station: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ rdf = list( self.df[ (self.df.station == station) & ( == run) & (self.df.is_channel == True) ].fn ) channels_list = [] for ch in order: for fn in rdf: if ch in[len(station) :].lower(): channels_list.append(fn) break return channels_list
[docs] def sort_by_station(self, stations=None): """ sort the file into station, runs and channels :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ fn_dict = { "survey": self.survey, "filters": self.filters, "stations": [], } if stations in [None, []]: station_iterator = self.stations else: if isinstance(stations, str): stations = [stations] if not isinstance(stations, list): raise ValueError("stations must be a list of stations") station_iterator = stations for station in station_iterator: station_dict = { "fn": self.df[ (self.df.station == station) & (self.df.is_station == True) ].fn.values[0], "runs": [], } for run in self._get_runs(station).itertuples(): run_dict = {} run_dict["fn"] = run.fn run_dict["channels"] = self._get_channels(station, station_dict["runs"].append(run_dict) fn_dict["stations"].append(station_dict) return fn_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def read_xml_file(xml_file): """ read an xml file an return an xml element :param xml_file: DESCRIPTION :type xml_file: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ return et.parse(xml_file).getroot()
def _make_channel(self, channel_fn): """ Make a :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.Channel` object from an xml file :param channel_fn: DESCRIPTION :type channel_fn: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ ch_type = channel_fn.stem.split(".")[2].lower() if ch_type in ["electric"]: ch = Electric() elif ch_type in ["magnetic"]: ch = Magnetic() ch.from_xml(self.read_xml_file(channel_fn)) dp_filter = None if is not None: find = False for ii, filter_name in enumerate( # create a dipole pole zero filter if "dipole" in filter_name: find = True dp_filter = PoleZeroFilter() dp_filter.units_in = "V/m" dp_filter.units_out = "V" dp_filter.gain = ch.dipole_length = f"electric_dipole_{ch.dipole_length:.3f}" dp_filter.comments = "electric dipole for electric field" break if find:[ii] = return ch, dp_filter def _make_run(self, run_dict): """ Make a :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.Run` object from information in a run dictionary run_dict = {'fn': xml_file_name, 'channels': [list of xml file names]} :param run_dict: DESCRIPTION :type run_dict: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ r = Run() r.from_xml(self.read_xml_file(run_dict["fn"])) dp_filters = {} for ch_fn in run_dict["channels"]: ch, dp_filter = self._make_channel(ch_fn) r.channels.append(ch) if dp_filter is not None: dp_filters[] = dp_filter return r, dp_filters def _make_station(self, station_dict): """ Make a station object from a station dictionary station_dict = { 'fn': xml_file_name, 'runs': [{'fn': run_xml_file_name, 'channels': [list of xml file names]}] } :param station_dict: DESCRIPTION :type station_dict: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ station = Station() station.from_xml(self.read_xml_file(station_dict["fn"])) # < need to reset the runs, otherwise there are empty runs and double # the ammount of runs because the run_list is input. > station.runs = [] dp_filters = {} for run_dict in station_dict["runs"]: r, dp = self._make_run(run_dict) for channel in r.channels: if channel.type in ["electric"]: if ( channel.positive.latitude == 0 and channel.positive.longitude == 0 and channel.positive.elevation == 0 ): channel.positive.latitude = station.location.latitude channel.positive.longitude = station.location.longitude channel.positive.elevation = station.location.elevation else: if ( channel.location.latitude == 0 and channel.location.longitude == 0 and channel.location.elevation == 0 ): channel.location.latitude = station.location.latitude channel.location.longitude = station.location.longitude channel.location.elevation = station.location.elevation station.runs.append(r) dp_filters.update(dp) station.update_time_period() return station, dp_filters def _make_survey(self, survey_dict): """ Make a :class:`mt_metadata.timeseries.Survey` object survey_dict = { 'survey': survey_xml_file, 'filters': filter_xml_file, 'stations': [ { 'fn': xml_file_name, 'runs': [ {'fn': run_xml_file_name, 'channels': [list of xml file names]}] } ] } :param survey_dict: DESCRIPTION :type survey_dict: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ s = Survey() s.from_xml(self.read_xml_file(survey_dict["survey"])) s.stations = [] dp_filters = {} for station_dict in survey_dict["stations"]: station, dp = self._make_station(station_dict) s.stations.append(station) dp_filters.update(dp) s.update_bounding_box() s.update_time_period() return s, dp_filters def _make_filters_dict(self, filters_xml_file): """ Make a filter dictionary from a filter file with all the filters in it :param filters_xml_file: DESCRIPTION :type filters_xml_file: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ element = self.read_xml_file(filters_xml_file) f_dict = {} for f in element.iter(tag="filter"): f_type = [y.text for y in f.findall("type")][0] if f_type in ["zpk"]: mt_filter = PoleZeroFilter() elif f_type in ["coefficient"]: mt_filter = CoefficientFilter() elif f_type in ["time delay"]: mt_filter = TimeDelayFilter() elif f_type in ["fir"]: mt_filter = FIRFilter() else: raise ValueError(f"No support for {f_type} currently.") mt_filter.from_xml(f) f_dict[] = mt_filter return f_dict
[docs] def make_experiment(self, stations=None): """ Create an MTML experiment from the a directory of xml files :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ mtex = Experiment() survey, dp_filters = self._make_survey(self.sort_by_station(stations)) mtex.surveys.append(survey) mtex.surveys[0].filters = self._make_filters_dict(self.filters) mtex.surveys[0].filters.update(dp_filters) return mtex
[docs] def get_mt_channel(self, ch_fn, filters_fn): """ have a look at an mt channel """ mt_channel, dp_filter = self._make_channel(ch_fn) filter_dict = self._make_filters_dict(filters_fn) if dp_filter is not None: filter_dict.update({, dp_filter}) channel_response = mt_channel.channel_response(filter_dict) return mt_channel, channel_response