Source code for mt_metadata.timeseries.stationxml.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Feb 16 10:33:27 2021

    Jared Peacock (

:license: MIT

from loguru import logger
from obspy.core.inventory import Comment

# =============================================================================
# Translate between metadata and inventory: mapping dictionaries
# =============================================================================
[docs]class BaseTranslator: """ Base translator for StationXML <--> MT Metadata """ def __init__(self): self.logger = logger self.xml_translator = { "alternate_code": None, "code": None, "comments": None, "data_availability": None, "description": None, "historical_code": None, "identifiers": None, "restricted_status": None, "source_id": None, } self.mt_translator = self.flip_dict(self.xml_translator) self.mt_comments_list = []
[docs] @staticmethod def flip_dict(original_dict): """ Flip keys and values of the dictionary Need to take care of duplicate names and lists of names :param original_dict: original dictionary :type original_dict: dict :return: reversed dictionary :rtype: dictionary """ flipped_dict = {} for k, v in original_dict.items(): if v in [None, "special"]: continue if k in [None]: continue if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): # bit of a hack, needs to be more unique. for value in v: flipped_dict[value] = k else: flipped_dict[str(v)] = k return flipped_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def read_xml_comment(comment): """ read stationxml comment Assuming that separate comments are split by ':' and separated by a comma. """ if comment.subject is not None: key = comment.subject.strip().replace(" ", "_").lower() else: key = "mt" def parse(comment_string, filled={}): """ Recursively parse a comment string trying to adhere to the original syntax of the comment. Expecting a dictionary type string 'a: b, c:d' -> {'a': 'b', 'c':'d'} but sometimes looks like 'a: b:c, d:e' -> {'a': 'b:c', 'd':'e'} or 'a: b, b2, c: d:e' -> {'a': 'b:c', 'd':'e'} """ if "author:" in comment_string and "comments:" in comment_string: author, comments = [ s.strip() for s in comment_string.split("author:", 1)[1].split( "comments:", 1 ) ] if author.endswith(","): author = author[:-1] return {"author": author, "comments": comments} else: k, *other = comment_string.split(":", 1) if other: other = other[0] key = k if other.find(":") >= 0 and other.find(",") >= 0: if other.find(":") < other.find(","): if other.count(":") > 1: value, *maybe = other.split(",", 1) filled[key] = value.strip().replace(":", "--") if maybe: filled = parse(maybe[0].strip(), filled) else: filled[key] = other.replace(":", "--").strip() else: value, *maybe = other.split(",", 1) filled[key] = value.strip() if maybe: filled = parse(maybe[0].strip(), filled) elif other.find(":") > 0: value, *maybe = other.split(":", 1) filled[key] = value.strip() else: filled[key] = other.strip() else: filled[k] = None return filled # if the string is dictionary like, parse, otherwise skip if ":" in comment.value: value = parse(comment.value) else: value = comment.value return key, value
[docs] @staticmethod def read_xml_identifier(identifiers): """ Read stationxml idenfier, which is a list of doi numbers, make it into a string without the doi :param doi: DESCRIPTION :type doi: TYPE :return: DESCRIPTION :rtype: TYPE """ return ", ".join([ii.strip().split("DOI:")[1] for ii in identifiers])
[docs] def get_comment(self, comments, subject): """ Get the correct comment from a list of comments :param comments: list of :class:`obspy.core.inventory.Comments` :type comments: list :param subject: subject heading to get :type subject: string :return: the corresponding comment :rtype: :class:`obspy.core.inventory.Comments` """ for comment in comments: if comment.subject == subject: return comment f"Could not find {subject} in the given list of comments." ) return None
[docs] def make_mt_comments(self, mt_element, mt_key_base="mt"): """ make comments from an MT element from self.mt_comments_list :param mt_element: MT metadata element """ comments = [] # add comments for MT specific information try: key_list = sorted(self.mt_comments_list) except TypeError: key_list = self.mt_comments_list for key in key_list: if isinstance(key, dict): values = [] comment_key = list(key.keys())[0] for part in key[comment_key]: info = part.split(".")[-1] value = mt_element.get_attr_from_name(part) if value: values.append(f"{info}: {value}") value = ", ".join(values) comment = Comment(value, subject=f"{mt_key_base}.{comment_key}") comments.append(comment) else: value = mt_element.get_attr_from_name(key) if value: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = ", ".join(value) comment = Comment(value, subject=f"{mt_key_base}.{key}") comments.append(comment) return comments
[docs] def xml_to_mt(self, value): pass
[docs] def mt_to_xml(self, value): pass